Connections and Collaboration
It is true that Covid - 19 has had a huge impact on families, children and community. I understand that this stressful time has had a huge impact on connections and collaboration because decisions were made for us. One thing that is true is that families and communities now have a choice in how they redefine the way that they show up for children, neighbours and themselves. Self care and compassion is something that I feel very important when living our best life! In my professional and personal opinion, I believe that in order for us to thrive as a society, we have to be emotionally and physically safe. Emotional safety has been one of the most important messages for me share with parents, educators, teachers and community. We must create space for children and adults where they understand their identity, self - esteem and worth. When this goal is achieved, we have more connection and concern for others, because we know and understand that all are important and loved. I want each of you to take a huge breath in and say " I am loved and I am beautiful" Breathe out " I will love and see the beauty in others and all things".
Have a loving and day of connection and conversation :)