A connection so strong it knows no boundaries . . .
Daniel Levin
business man and mystic who helps people/companies innovate, Storyteller who also helps people develop and tell their story, former monk, listener who has heard you, knows love is all you need, author of The Mosaic
have you ever felt a connection so strong
with someone you don’t even know?
where somehow they come across your path
without you even knowing how that happens?
has this connection touched your heart
and given love to your soul for no apparent reason?
how is it possible?
in the world of form, everything is suspicious
we can’t help but think
why would people give so much to us
they must want something from us in return
and so we protect ourselves and hold back
in both our giving and receiving . . .
but in the world of energy,
there are no boundaries, no time and no space
no limitations
energy flows and fills any and all spaces it encounters
not because it wants something back
but because it feels there is nothing else it can do
its creation in and of itself is in the wholeness of connection.
being an empath, i have often experienced this experience
and in the world of form it can feel as if i do not honor boundaries
i get that
and i am sorry if i have caused anyone discomfort
and, not but
i am more and more feeling aligned with energy not form
and i am constantly amazed by
the intimacy of energetic connection.
sometimes, i feel like i am dancing between two realities
and that is when i know i am in the world of form
becasue in the energetic world there is not 2 of anything
only one, oneness, connection.
i have been levelled, astonished, bewildered and ecstatic
with the gifts The Mosaic has given me.
it is in the story
and in the spaces between the words of the story
that i feel the oneness of this energetic connection.
so if i reach out to you, either physically or energetically
please know that i want nothing from you
but to dance energetically with your soul
and love you more than you have ever been loved.
this is The Mosaic.
the book, audio book, and spanish edition (El Mosaico)
are all available at: https://a.co/dvgsgG3