The connection between Reality and Thriving
Annelies Nel CA(SA) Thrive Live Infinitely
Coaching Individuals and Teams
Thriving is what we all want. It is within reach of all, it simply starts with accepting our realities and working them in the direction we want.?
Often in a less linear fashion than what we want but making progress none the less. The most linear experience you will have is to use a ruler?- if you even use one. But when in need of linear buy a ruler.
For all else in life design your own GPS. Be clear beyond all doubt of your priorities and the hierarchy of your priorities, and when they change and what you will allow it to change to.
Accepting reality in two ways:
????????How best we can respond to it, and
????????Secondly how much we do with the stuff that is within our control.
The difference between reality and what we want is the cause of much of our unhappiness. Then we add the stuff we are unhappy with that we do control and quite soon we are as far from Thriving as the Ukraine from Peace.
With January gone, I do say as always be radical start your Xmas shopping now the sales are on and Xmas is just about here. If you do your Xmas shopping now you are ahead of the game… just buy non-perishables. You will buy more wisely without the buzz and more cost effectively as well. Why not try this radical suggestion?
Seriously though, January is gone, what did you achieve?
Did reality overtake you, or were you on-course?
Have you made progress:
????????On the things that matters most.
????????The relationships with the people you care about.
????????To build a better team.
????????On the things within your control.
????????Or did January run away from you?
“One step at a time is good walking.” ?Chinese Proverb
The acceptance of reality is also the start of adulting, I am going to state the obvious: adulting is going to go on till you die. You can escape it only at great penalty to yourself.
Blaming others for an unwanted reality is a great time waster. What can you do about it is a better pursuit, and the ultimate pursuit control what is within your control.
If you compare the reality that you don’t like which is the fault of others to the things within that are within your control and so far from perfect, who is the biggest sinner here?
What if for the month of February you focus on the stuff within your control and leave the blaming and shaming to the others, there are enough people focusing on that?
What possibly could you achieve?
How would that make you feel?
What contribution would that make?
How much happier will you be?
Even Thriving?
Thrive: Take control of all that is within your control,
Annelies Nel?