The Connection Between Fashion, Body Image & Self-Esteem
Founder & CEO, The PEP Institute. Empowering clients to embrace purpose through self-awareness and feminine leadership. Coaching individuals to align identity with excellence, and teams with vision, integrity, & purpose.
It seems so long ago when I wrote my first book, Getting Ready Chloé-Style: Perfecting Your Authentic Image, but, I often refer to it because it resonates more now than ever. It's about the relationship between body image, self-esteem and fashion. When we consider a person's appearance, our minds often focus on their physical looks or the clothes they wear. But, there is a deeper connection between fashion, body image, and self-esteem that warrants exploration. Clothing and fashion are not just superficial elements; they often act as an extension of our identities and contribute to our self-image.
It may seem far-fetched, but many people perceive the clothes and fashions you wear as a central part of your body image. This perception leads to an unconscious experience within the body-fashion-self-esteem matrix known as the selfing process. The selfing process is a communication of the self, allowing you to present yourself to the world in a particular way.
The selfing process consists of five interconnected layers that work together to help you prepare and present yourself. However, the foundation of this process lies in self-respect and self-appreciation. Without these essential prerequisites, the selfing process cannot truly flourish.
Understanding and embracing the connection between fashion, body image, and self-esteem is vital to presenting your authentic self with confidence. By acknowledging the role of clothing and fashion in our self-perception, we can take a more intentional approach to curating our wardrobes and cultivating our self-image.
The selfing process is an intricate interplay between fashion, body image, and self-esteem that shapes the way we present ourselves to the world. By respecting and appreciating ourselves, we can navigate the five layers of the selfing process more effectively, ultimately allowing our authentic selves to shine through. So, the next time you choose an outfit or consider a new fashion trend, remember the deeper implications it holds for your self-image and self-esteem.
Thanks for reading part one of seven about the selfing process.
Chloé is an author, executive life coach, facilitator, lifestyle strategist, mentor, speaker, and lifestyle model who collaborates with individuals, small businesses, and corporations to uncover objectives, “true” goals, passions, and purpose. She demonstrates how to level up to the vision using a proprietary Personal Excellence Profile (PEP) assessment and coaching system that works for individuals, groups, teams, and Fortune 50 to 500 corporations, to assess, draw out, strategize, and align team members into a cohesive unit to accomplish objective(s) more efficiently and effectively; and always with higher levels of excellence, fun, and style.