Connecting Your Mission With Your WHY?

Connecting Your Mission With Your WHY?

Have you ever heard the saying “if you’re struggling with your passion, drive or income levels then you don’t have a big enough mission?”

You’ve disconnected from your WHY?

“Want more passion and purpose? Get a bigger Mission.”

This is because your expansion of any situation occurs when you expand along with expanding into your higher purpose and life’s mission.

If you’re not making the impact you want, your Mission isn’t big enough. If you want more money you need a bigger mission. You need to go beyond you to be motivated by something bigger than you.

Since it’s your Life Mission that outlines your big ripple effect, how you impact humanity and the planet, this is the thing you need to connect to, to give you your Why, and your drive and passion back.

Most people make the BIG mistake of focusing on their business mission, which is also important. This is the HOW are you going to make your impact. But your Life Mission equals your Life Force… It’s the WHAT and WHY of your existence.

The more of your Life Mission you’re integrating into your working world, the more life force you have access to. And the opposite is also true. This is why if you’re lacking drive, passion, energy; maybe even a bit down in the dumps; you’re not on the path of your Life’s Mission and Purpose. You could be way off your path, or only slightly off. It makes no difference, being off means not being on that spot that brings the big results.

Being 100% tapped into the Life Mission, as opposed to your business mission and purpose, is what will bring you to breakthrough; increase your flow; help you overcome obstacles with more ease; and give you your passion and drive back…

This is where the true excitement for your life can be found.

Yet most people struggle to really connect to their WHY and their real Life Mission (which has nothing to do with your business mission remember).

If you’re truly on the path of your Life’s Mission and Purpose then this is what’s happening in your life;

1 - Things are flowing and growing as your income goals are met month on month;

2 - You’re feeling fulfilled and filled with excitement for what you’re doing as you go about your day;

3 - You have brightness of future;

4 - You are experience serendipitous moments every week with chance encounters, potential customers and clients contacting you to buy your stuff;

5 - You’re getting invitations out of the blue to get in front of audiences to offer your message, products and services…

6 - You’re impact is growing each quarter;

7 - Your profit is increasing every 6 months…

This is the “Attractor Factor” I talk about when you’re 100% aligned to all the nitty gritty details of your purpose, and in particular your life mission.

Given that so much of your success and fulfilment rides on knowing your Life’s Mission and how to integrate that into your business, I thought I’d hold another Mission Mojo Doing & Discovery 4 hour virtual workshop.

We’ll work together on some of my discovery processes to clarify your Life Mission, your dominant Soul Expression that’s wanting to come forward right now to help you step up, and how to monetize it without the frustration of not having purposeful direction or purposeful and prosperous flow.

Check how to connect to your Mission Mojo here.

This is 4 hours of me in training, and working with the limited number of attendees get you on the path of your greatest impact, income and growth.

Experience the most insightful 4 Hours you've EVER invested in your purpose and business model - Potentially save you years of floundering uncertain whether or not you're heading in the right direction for you. You'll have "a-huh" moments of clarity and understanding about the big picture of your life and why you're here on earth.

The workshop is 4 hours with me for just $1 down now to reserve your seat. You pay the other $67 ONLY if you got value. If you didn’t receive value, then you’ll let me know at the end of the workshop and you won’t pay the full fee for the workshop.

It’s a low entry point to discover the real reason you’re here on the planet and what you’re really here to do…

>>> Mission Mojo Day Workshop Reservations Can Be Made Here…


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