Connecting with Your Customer Matters
Erin Maxson
Head of Digital & Head of Marketing at COhatch | Growing local communities and bringing more people together through digital.
It's easy to think that in today's age of "give it to me now" means that customers are giving up on quality communication with their brands. But truly, it's never been more the opposite.
Your customer wants to feel loved. You heard me right. Loved. If they don't feel loved or taken seriously, they will leave you. It's as simple as that. But how do you tell your customer you love them and keep them coming back for more every time they make a purchase with your business?
PERSONALIZE, PERSONALIZE, THEN PERSONALIZE SOME MORE. It doesn't take a high end marketing agency to tell you that your customers want something that fits THEM. If you are in the business to make all of your customers fit around you, you are going to be in for a world of hurt. It's time you started personalizing to what your buyers need, want, and love.
MAKE IT ENGAGING. No one likes to sit sold to one hundred percent of the time. If you are constantly pushing your prices, services, and products without any real life information about them or even the industry you are in, many will not take your business seriously. You want your customers to engage with you so you can learn from them and do better at keeping their business as your relationship grows.
RETURN THE FAVOR. If your have a customer who has been buying from you for years and you haven't returned the favor, what are you even doing? Send a nice hand written note in their next order, or give them a personal phone call and thank them for their business. This will go a long way and will often times bring new leads to the table.
This concept should not be foreign to us. Take at look at yourself as a consumer, and what do you see?
Even those of us with businesses expect a higher standard of customer service than before. In today's business economy, customer service can be detrimental to how much business you do this year and even the next.
Don't be silly, just take a little time to discover what your customer really wants. Connect with them. Make them crave a stronger relationship with your brand. Then you will have customers for life.