Connecting through storytelling

Connecting through storytelling

There are many articles written for entrepreneurs as we seek to build & grow our brands, our businesses. I've read seemingly countless articles with lists: the best ways to maximize & hone networking skills; how to strategize a more efficient & profitable business plan; the importance of goal setting to actualize hopes & dreams to reality. All of those articles are worth a read. But this isn't one of those articles. This article isn't to share more information, but extend an invitation. My goal is to connect with 2 new people each week for meaningful conversation & sharing stories. Connecting through storytelling. More than superficial conversation at a business after hours event or just covering the basic questions "who are you? what do you do? who are your ideal clients?" Because I still believe that spending time face-to-face, side-by-side sharing our stories is not only the way we build & grow our businesses, it's the way we change the world. Starting right where we are. After all, the best stories in literature & in life have unexpected plot twists. We all know to lean in & listen when we hear those words from our childhood "once upon a time..." As we all know from those fairy tales & from our own lives that life is far from a linear path, but more like my toddler's squiggly lines drawn with broken crayons. Yet it is still a masterpiece. As we share our stories, plot twists & squiggly lines included, we inspire courage, hope, strength, kindness, and remind each other that broken things are made beautiful because of Love on this beautifully messy, imperfectly perfect thing we call life. And life well-lived. So here's an invitation to join me in this worthwhile adventure of connecting through storytelling. Connect with me to share your story. I look forward to sharing stories with many more people in the weeks & months ahead. The best is yet to come. As always. Onward. Together.


