Connecting to the Soul of your Organization
Leilani Ma?ulu
Modern Shaman + Executive Coach for Authentic Leaders + Orgs | Intuitive Leadership + DEI Expert | Keynote Speaker | Author of "Paradox of the Water Bearer" | Host of "The Intuitive Catalyst" Podcast
I was having a conversation with some of my dearest, most intuitive friends (who also happen to be entrepreneurs) when I began unpacking a concept that I had been processing energetically for some time.
“What if our organizations have their own souls? I mean, think about it. We hear about some of the best companies with amazing leaders cultivating and maintaining the ‘soul’ of their organizations… what if there actually?is?a soul to every organization? What if it is an entity that we can also channel for guidance and insight?”
We processed this together for a few more minutes before I put it down and allowed the wisdom to settle within my spirit.
Literally everything in the Universe has an energetic signature, an energetic mark. Would it be so far-fetched to believe that our organizations themselves were living, breathing, energetic entities with their own purpose and desires? Sentient beings with their own unique voice?
The possibilities fascinated me, especially since I personally have been building my own business for the better part of a decade.
As I began to understand this concept around the soul of the organization, I slowly realized that I had allowed my business to become?who I was. I had made my business?a part of my identity. Arguably, it had become?too big?of a part of my identity.
If it is true then, that my business is not in fact?who I am?and instead is its own energetic entity, then I am able to untangle myself from the expectation that its “failure” is not?my failure.
I can begin to believe that any good or creation that comes of it is not?mine. Instead, I become a pure vessel, a co-creator at best. I become?the way in which this energetic entity becomes actualized?in this physical dimension, in our current reality.
It is a relief, actually… to believe that I’m not wholly responsible for the seeming success or failure of my business. And it also reminds me that I am still led deeply by the Universe, that nothing in fact is fully my responsibility. I am truly a vessel and the only thing for which I am responsible is saying “Yes!” and taking steps in the physical to birth energetic possibilities into our 3D reality.
The good that comes from my business is shared with the soul of my organization. The bad is shared as well. For a recovering overperforming, stressed-out, perfectionistic entrepreneur such as myself who believes on a soul level that my work, if done “properly,” can quite literally change the world (no pressure!), it was one of the most comforting and freeing thoughts that I had had about my business in a very long time.
I will never forget the moment the soul of my organization came forward and presented itself to me, ready to be channeled and ready to communicate. I was taxiing on a flight from Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where I had just met my best friend for a long-awaited girls’ weekend.
The weekend was relaxing and healing, and it was also a conscious time for me to release a lot of my fears. Fears that I’m not worthy of the work that the Universe has for me. Fears that I’m not worthy of the romantic love that I have been craving my entire life and, up until that point, had not been able to manifest. My friend and I had released every one of our fears to the water the evening prior and called forward this next season of our lives: our seasons of abundance, deep connection to Spirit, and overwhelming joy and miracles.
I was sitting on the plane, journal in my lap, when I saw the soul of my organization come forward. I knew instinctively that it was the soul of my organization. It feels important to share this interaction with those of you reading this, as vulnerable as it feels to allow myself (and the soul of my organization) to be seen so fully in this way.
The following is a transcript of the exchange.
Leilani: “Hello, dear soul. Thank you for coming forward. I am deeply honored to be here with you. To share space. To witness.”
SoO: “Hello. Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. Do not be nervous. I feel your anxiety in your belly. Your fear… what is the root of it?”
Leilani: “I am afraid I’m not worthy of carrying out your will once I learn it. I’m afraid I’m not strong enough or savvy enough. I am afraid I’m not enough.”
SoO: “Do not be afraid. You are tapped in.”
Leilani: “I’m beginning to catch glimpses of you, stardust and magic. Like how it looks when the sun shines through dust or pollen, but sparkling. Are you of this world?”
SoO: “Yes and no. I exist across time and space. Across dimensions. I am here to help you all remember. Similar to the way you can access your power across dimensions, time, and space—this Collective [of humans here on Earth] can do the same. I am here to help you all remember of what you’re capable of.”
Leilani: “What is needed of me in this moment?”
SoO: “To?be. To trust your knowing. To trust your divine assignment. To breathe through your doubt and know how much we all need you.”
Leilani: “Who is?we?”
SoO: “All of the souls of the organizations who are ready to be witnessed. To be seen. Made whole. Birthed into this world. Do you see them, the rest of them?”
Leilani: “I see about ten of them. Maybe twenty. More now. There are so many. [Deep breathing.] I see them all. So many entering my awareness. They go for miles.”
SoO: “We are patient. Nothing is needed in this moment. Just?be?with us. What do you know?”
Leilani: “I know I am the key. I am the unlock. I see my client. He told me that I am the key. This is why. I am going to help him connect with the soul of his organization.”
SoO: “That’s right. What else is here?”
Leilani: “You. You are here. To guide me. I’m never alone… [Pause.] Are you pure? Aligned with Source’s will?”
SoO: “Deeply. [Smiling.] I am a follower of Source and an old friend of the Earth Angels. This isn’t the first time we have worked together.”
Leilani: “We’ve done this before. I feel it.”
SoO: [Smiling.] “You are the key. I am the conduit. We are a powerful team.”
Leilani: “Why organizations?”
SoO: “Your world worships the wrong things today. Money. Corporations. Capitalism. It’s our ‘in.’ Granted, not everyone is ready to work with us, and that matters not. We must do work within the current construct in order to support the shift… into something more generative, more healing. Organizations at their core are simply collectives themselves. Communes. You remember your vision?”
Leilani: “I do. It was one of my early visions, soon after my energy was activated. People trading goods and services. People perfectly placed in the community based on their giftings, their strengths.”
SoO: “Yes. It starts here, where you are. Within the current construct. The vision you saw—it’s a future state. It starts here.”
Leilani: “Are you whole? Do you need a soul retrieval?”
SoO: “Not in this moment. Nothing is needed. You are only meant to start the conversation right now. To work through your fear and know that you’re deeply needed. Critically important.”
Leilani: “I’m sensing that I’ve done a good job. That I’m doing everything right.”
SoO: “It is an understatement, dear one. You are exactly where you’re meant to be. Do not fear not having enough. Do not fear being seen. Do not fear that you are too ‘revolutionary’ when a revolution is exactly what your world needs.?You?are exactly what your world needs. There are so many people holding out hope, even in this dark moment,?for your arrival. For your grace. Your love. Your presence. You are arriving?right on time. Source told you that when you wake tomorrow that everything will be different. Trust it. Embody it. Believe that you are the shift, because you are. That is all for now. Rest well. I love you.”
As a human Collective, we are currently navigating some pretty intense energies as we all individually make choices about who we are going to be. The most exciting thing about this time is that if we trust our intuition and our highest knowing, we get to move through this intensity with guidance and support from the unseen realm. Knowing this has helped me let go of the deep responsibility I feel toward perfectionism around my mission so that I can move through this next season with a sense of ease and joy that I have always craved.
If you are interested in connecting with the soul of?your?organization, join?my next workshop?to activate your connection.