Connecting the Public to the Upper Hudson River!

Calling all riverlovers who live in the upstate Hudson Valley. It's time to open to the public our part of America's premiere heritage river, too long cut off from the people of the valley.  Especially during this time of crisis, when now more than ever, people need to connect to the river for all the joy and peace that would bring.  If you agree, keep reading.

I am a stakeholder/landowner on Campbell Island on the Hudson across from the town of Bethlehem's park and boat launches and just north of the Village of Castleton-on-Hudson. I believe that “The waterfront is a public resource, no matter who owns the land. Access, view must be protected for us all."  

After years of effort in this cause, a bright light has just appeared. 

Based on public input on their online interactive map, Scenic Hudson’s newly announced Public Access Plan recommended access to Campbell Island and to the Village’s Riverfront Park, just steps from Main Street, trying to revive.

As a result, Scenic Hudson could now work its transformational magic to let the public enjoy these waterfront opportunities while connecting with other neighbors on the river as in days gone by and hungered for today as water destinations always are.

Riverlovers who want more information and/or would like to be involved in this adventure are invited to brainstorm and share ideas via 518-207-7320, email, [email protected]. All are welcome.


