Connecting as One
Suzanne Pfitzner
Counsellor & Psychotherapist in private practice; Consulting Astrologer, Astrological Guild of Educators, Fed. of Australian Astrologers; Family Constellation Facilitator.
After sitting retrograde with the South Node for a couple of weeks, Neptune is now stationed (stopped) before moving forward again this week. The symbolism indicates a shift from an internal expression of Neptune to an external one.
It's now time to bring forward any dreams that may have been put on hold in June when Neptune went retrograde.
As Neptune symbolises the dissolution of boundaries, of ego, it is about our connected state and our part of Oneness. It is a time to bring compassion and mutual understanding to everything we see as separate from us.
It is easy to look at certain things in the world and criticise and blame, whether these situations or people are afar or closer to home. However more than ever we need to connect and remember that we are all a part of the wholeness of Humanity and no matter what we may think, everyone is doing the best they can with the skills and knowledge they have and are playing their part.
We can only create a better world all together. We cannot do anything alone. We are each part of the whole. The more we are aware of how we separate, mentally and emotionally with thought, word and deed, the more we are able to see what needs our love and forgiveness....for EVERYone and EVERY situation, no matter how we judge it.