Mohamed Ali Mohamud (Ph.D.)
Director R&D at Somaliland Quality Control Commission
You know what? I heard an old man who once said '' It ?s not matter what is being said or told , what matters is HOW the STORY being narrated ''. Of course some people show their story through books, some others prefer Hollywood film style , documentary , news paper or Podcast. It ?s ?mportant to familiarize all types of story telling so that you/we can get the main point of any story being told to increase some knowledge or at least retrieve important information.
A number of CEO in big corporate companies, like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates or so called Elon Musk, despite being so busy, yet still manage at least 2 hour a day (or 7 hour a week) to do important below tasks :-
1- Reading
2- Reflecting
3- And experimenting
Well they are so rich, why do they care about reading activities?
To get as many new ideas as possible and build as many solutions through other people's innovation. Thinking creatively and strategically is a form of competence that all engineers and entrepreneurs desperately need. Small or big entrepreneurs - must have high level thinking skills to grow their business or execute their agenda.
But how can we shape high level critical thinking?
One way is to read a lot of useful books. Reading helpful books will add ideas then any ideas will form a line of contact. The link line between one idea and another idea will build a network. A lot of networks will build a structure and a complete structure will build a more comprehensive insight into the issue or world view. A thorough insight will make it easier for you to decide and truly productive actions in business or whatever the hell your doing !.
There is a movie called NO TIME TO DIE by 007. The release of the movie was postponed many times due to covid 19. 007 or James bond movies are often about a British rich life style and of course it is easiest way you can learn so called British ?ntelligent/Gentlemen, which often based on less talk and more problem solving oriented with smart life style . Although the movie NO TIME TO DIE has not being released yet, I managed to get the main idea behind the movie plot, after I did intensive research.
All James Bond real enemies and stories will be answered in Daniel Craig's last film's acting. Ideas are like a small spot, the more ideas, the more small spots appear. Our responsibility is connecting all those points to see the actual pictures of stories and messages that want to be delivered.
In managing people or business and other high level tasks are also same, my one idea is not enough, always looking for new ideas, thus lots of reading and trying. That's what successful big engineers and entrepreneurs do in offering solutions to customers.
It's like James Bond's story, every movie of it always has a new enemy with different IDEAS, so James Bond movies can last long. They don't just market James Bond's rugged action. They market IDEAS on technology, intelligence and lifestyle. The ongoing relationship between these ideas is shaped through conflict with James Bond's enemies, who always have each other's point of view.
Finally they created the top of James Bond's greatest enemy called Safin. So all IDEAS about Bond and his previous enemies will be answered in No Time to Die. James Bond's foundation of film IDEAS is to feature smart industries, high-level and lifestyle industries, which are all wrapped up in enemy characters possessing extraordinary communication networks and countless wealth. In reality, this film builds an overview of James Bond brand with their clear positioning - 'Intelligence is Our Brand'. We have a smart hero, smart technology and smart enemy! So intelligence is our lifestyle. They want to show all types of intelligence belong to Bond like Intelligence of emotion, Technology intelligence and strategy intelligence.