Connecting the Dots with Environmental Graphic Design
Connecting the Dots with Environmental Graphic Design #egd #branding #ThirtySecondDecember #32 #December #wayfinding #signage #graphics #experience

Connecting the Dots with Environmental Graphic Design

The key objective of bringing an environmental graphic design (EGD) agency on-board a project is to connect the dots together to create a harmonious navigational narrative through the space. We either add layers to existing design or collaboratively modify certain elements so that we can positively impact how a person gravitates towards their intended destination without really spelling it out for them.?

This means curating their experience.?

?In the exterior spatial settings, it means landscapes, the hardscape and the softscape together, the plants themselves, the sightlines of the users and influencing them as per the brand personality, the lig

hting features and then finally, the expression of the brand through signage. In the interiors, we get to dive into & collaborate on architectural finishes, the lighting, the furniture. The entirety of the exercise involves bringing out the best of the brand personality and putting together the entire puzzle pieces into the brand’s as well as the spatial context. This provides us with the wonderful opportunity to cross paths with even more disciplines and cross-collaborating to build on each other’s expertise.?

Signage is then the final layer utilized in the wayfinding narrative to spell out the directions at the required nodal points (or key decision points) and provide appropriate direction, orientation, identification or instruction.

" The entirety of the exercise involves expressing the brand personality and putting together the puzzle pieces in the right perspective and in context of the spatial experience."

All said, the core of everything though should always revolve around being "People" first - putting the users and stakeholders at the focal point allows the design to address specific challenges as well as achieve tangible outcomes. The natural outcome of this ‘People-first’ philosophy is that it embeds both 'Functionality and Value' into the project - and most importantly, about optimizing performance in the process. This as a result leads to a simple and clearly defined "Design" as a by-product of the philosophy, and it therefore plays an integral role in the narrative of the brand as well as the space. ??

This is where the design narrative of signage and wayfinding can contribute to uniqueness that makes for a branded environment while providing a contextually relevant holistic experience. It can evoke an emotional connection with its users, creating a memorable experience that is both effective and enjoyable. Wayfinding and the corresponding signs should be designed to be intuitive and easy to use, helping people find their way around quickly, with minimal effort. Ultimately, they, should create a sense of belonging and connection with the space. ?

Thirty Second December Designs is a multi-disciplinary agency, and we work at the intersection of graphic design, architecture, product design, and urban planning.


