Connecting the disconnected: 5 ways digital workplace analytics enables leaders to foster collaboration and connection

Connecting the disconnected: 5 ways digital workplace analytics enables leaders to foster collaboration and connection

Keeping connected and driving collaboration is one of the biggest challenges in the modern digital workplace era but Temporall’s workplace analytics gives leaders the opportunity to get ahead.?

According to Harvard Business Review, the more connected employees feel, the stronger their company performs.?

Compared to other organisational qualities, connection has the greatest correlation with a company’s overall ability to succeed.?

But in contemporary working environments, with teams working across different physical spaces and times of the day, building, and crucially, understanding how teams collaborate and connect is incredibly difficult.

Whilst it’s understood that fostering a sense of connection and encouraging collaboration in an evolving work environment requires leaders to rethink the role of technology, insight on how to actually do this is incredibly hard to find.

Until now.

Here are 6 ways Temporall’s digital workplace analytics enables leaders to foster collaboration and connection:

  1. Discover how remote, hybrid and in-office teams collaborate?

Even when employees head to the office, Gmail, video calls, Slack and Teams chats - amongst various other digital workplace tools - still tend to be how teams connect and collaborate.

Where these digital workplace tools previously aided in-person work, it’s now the other way around.??

Workplace analytics brings visibility into how your teams work together and how this has changed over time as workplace policies have been introduced.?

2. Find your collaboration champions

In any organisation, there are individuals and teams who are the ‘go-to’.

They are highly influential, central to knowledge sharing and bridge silos - yet you’ll often find that these people aren’t in leadership roles and may not even be part of decision-making processes.?

Temporall’s workplace analytics help you identify who these collaboration champions are. So you can ensure that they are given appropriate roles or enrolled on development programs to maximise their skills, keep them engaged and reap the rewards.

3. Highlight your most innovative and productive networks?

We all know that some teams perform better than others. But it can be difficult to pinpoint why - and therefore incredibly difficult to replicate this success across all of your teams.?

Discover the collaboration patterns of your most successful teams, for example, visualise how your sales teams work with other areas of your organisation and external contacts to win deals and retain customers.??

On the flip side of this, harnessing analytics from your digital workplace data also enables you to detect silos and barriers to collaborative teams.?

Build a picture of where collaboration stalls and highlight pockets of isolation. New hires, for example, often find it difficult to integrate - and this has only been made harder now that this all happens in the digital workplace.?

This creates an opportunity to devise more tailored solutions to your connectivity challenges.?

4. Compare how different digital workplace tools impact collaboration?

As teams grow and needs change, companies adopt new digital workplace tools.?

This is often a good thing. However, problems occur when various teams or roles don’t take to the new system as readily as others, so information silos and barriers to collaboration form.?

Discover how your various tools are used and adopted across your organisation, and measure their impact on communication patterns, collaboration and informal opportunities to connect. So you can make decisions to refine and expand your digital workplace where needed.

5. Reconnect managers with their teams

Managing distributed teams across the digital workplace is a challenge that many managers didn’t expect to take on during their tenure. And staying connected with teams plays a huge part in this.?

Visualise the connection patterns of managerial teams and gather insights on managers’ activity in public channels, including the number of questions they’re being asked and the key topics of discussion.?

With clarity on how managers are connecting with their teams, it’s possible to build strategies to ensure everyone is getting the information necessary to stay collaborative, productive and engaged.??

Decades of collective thinking went into your physical workplace, while the digital workplace is still in its infancy. Fostering collaboration and connection feels like a huge challenge, especially when sometimes the only thing bringing people together is the *ping* of a Slack message and *whoosh* of an email sending.?

With continuous insights on the usage, maturity and impact of your digital workplace tools, it can be a whole lot quicker and easier to make the best decisions for your organisation and teams, to keep people connected and collaborating.?

Temporall’s digital workplace analytics platform delivers centralised intelligent insights using data from your whole digital workplace including Google Workspace, Slack, Microsoft 365, Salesforce, and more. Our collaboration and connection network analysis is a core benefit of our platform and helps leaders across the world foster greater collaboration and connection.

Earlier this week, we announced the availability of our Google Workspace Analytics.

Check it out or contact us directly.



