Connecting the Community
United Way Suncoast
Impacting lives in DeSoto, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas & Sarasota counties.
At United Way Suncoast, we always welcome the opportunity to connect with other local United Ways. There’s a lot we can glean by sharing best practices with each other. That’s why we took a strong contingent to the recent United Way Worldwide Southeastern Regional Conference in Huntsville, Ala. We’re a federated member of United Way Worldwide and UWW, under its new Thriving United Way model, has asked all local United Ways to embrace several focus areas including Network Citizenship. What is Network Citizenship? It’s about following UWW practices and procedures, contributing to regional collaborations and connecting with local United Ways to innovate and develop new ideas. In Huntsville, we did all that, sharing news about a project we’re creating at United Way Suncoast that will revolutionize how every local United Way communicates with their donors. We’re not ready to divulge all the details yet, but stay tuned. We’re infusing our Network Citizenship with leadership, and we couldn’t be more excited.
Elected officials, partner agencies, federal government representatives and community leaders gathered with United Way Suncoast leaders at Sarasota’s Robert L. Taylor Community Complex Tuesday for United Way Suncoast's annual BankOn Summit. They delved into a range of complex topics revolving around banking and financial inclusion. But they did so with heart.
ALICE Report
United For ALICE’s new 2024 report reveals that the challenges facing ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) families have not gone away. All around the Suncoast, we continue to have households living paycheck to paycheck and standing one unexpected expense away from dire circumstances. The new report allows us to delve deeper into the data and continue to amplify awareness of these vital families. During our Centennial Celebration, we want to unite the community behind a collective effort. That’s what we’ve done at United Way Suncoast since 1924 and that’s what we do today. Visit to learn more about the report.
Did you know?
United Way Suncoast can present ALICE data to your organization? Last week, UWS Community Impact Vice President Doug Griesenauer presented to more than 400 accountants at the 2024 Accounting Circle CPE Conference. Sign up here to have one of our team members present to your organization.
Welcoming Commissioner Cohen
Hillsborough County Commissioner Harry Cohen addressed the United Way Suncoast Public Policy committee this week. Led by chair Mike Daigle (left), the committee takes great pride in helping guide our advocacy work. Learn more by visiting
Rays Watch Party
We'll partner with the Tampa Bay Rays on June 15 to celebrate the team and distribute information about our community impact work in Sarasota/Manatee/DeSoto. #ShowMuchDevotion
Leadership Societies
Two of our leadership groups, the Admiral Society and Women United, recently completed annual retreats and are now building plans for the new fiscal year. Both groups also celebrated significant accomplishments from this past fiscal year.
The Admiral Society continued to put philanthropy in action with a series of successful soirees and volunteer engagements, as well as the Power Luncheon in February.
Women United appointed six new members to the Advisory Council, held two in person Women United Networking Events and advocated for United Way in Tallahassee.
There's also a couple of personal commendations worth noting: the Tampa Bay Business Hall of Fame inducted incoming Admiral Society chair Gary Hartfield , and the Tampa Bay Business Journal named Women United member Kiana Romeo, MBA, PMP as one of its Businesswomen Of The Year.
Summer, when children are away from school, is a particularly vulnerable time for our children's education. Two-thirds of the achievement gap between lower- and higher-income youth can be explained by unequal access to summer learning opportunities. As a result, ALICE children are less likely to graduate from high school or enter college. Children who are involved in quality summer care programs, have access to books and engagement activities, and are supported with appropriate instruction can maintain the skills acquired during the school year. Click here to see what May Monthly Engagement Opportunities are available!
And with June right around the corner, you can get a sneak peak at our Equity For All volunteer opportunities.
United Way Suncoast has a long history of commitment and proudly values serving every person in our community. We advocate for diverse, equitable, and inclusive practices that unite, rather than divide, our community providing all the freedom to rise because United We Rise, United We Win.
June is full of reasons to celebrate, such as Juneteenth and Pride Month, and a month to begin preparations for the hurricane season. We seek to empower individuals and families within the Suncoast region to prepare, succeed and live the most authentic life available to them. Through these opportunities, you can provide additional support to community members served by United Way Suncoast programs.