Connect to Your Passion
Smart Strategies for Successful Living

Connect to Your Passion

Passion is a powerful motivator. It can fuel the fires of inspiration and open doors to true happiness. When you discover something you love doing, you feel a sense of excitement and enthusiasm.?It will motivate you to look forward to a new day with confidence and purpose. You will experience a surge of energy with a passion that is rewarding, stimulating, and interesting to you. According to Oprah Winfrey, “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”?

Ideally, you have already discovered what you love to do. However, if you need some help, here are a few insights on how to connect to your passion.

What about you?

What are your talents?

What are you obviously good at and enjoy doing? For the most part, passion comes when you are being true to yourself and doing what comes naturally to you.?Consider back on times in your life when you engaged in projects, hobbies or tasks that you did exceptionally well. Based on past experiences, establish a short list of your talents that compliment your skills and bring out the best in you.

What do you love to do?

To unearth potential passions, combine your list of talents with activities, hobbies, and interests that you truly love to do. What motivates and inspires you to want to do more or causes you to lose all sense of time? Create a list that includes both your talents and key interests.

Which tasks or activities do you find despicable?

Despite your obvious talents, there may be tasks or activities that you simply don’t find appealing or want to do. To become clearer about your true passions, make a list of those activities you dislike and eliminate them as options.

How does doing what you love align with your lifestyle?

Focus on passions that add value to your immediate life. You may love the thrill of surfing, skiing, or mountain climbing but don’t have the time, money, or ability to do it more than a few times each year. While these passions have value, hold on to what is meaningful in the here and now.

Make it your adventure!

Keep searching for new passions that might peak your interest. As life changes, so might your passions. So, stay vigilant for new adventures that will unlock the passion within you.

Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way. - Author Unknown

**Article Originally Published at: CLICK HERE.

Written by: Patricia K. Flanigan, Smart Strategies for Successful Living

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Patricia K. Flanigan has worked in higher education for over 28 years. She holds a doctoral degree in Organizational Leadership from the University of La Verne as well as a M.A. in Latin American Studies and B.A. in Anthropology from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before retiring and moving to Idaho in 2015, she served as the dean of online education and learning resources at Saddleback College, a large community college in Southern California. She currently consults in higher education, writes for local magazines, and serves as an Affiliate Faculty member at Boise State University. She works in collaboration with LEARN (Lifelong Education and Aging Resource Network).?Since February 2017, she has been the founding director and an author for Smart Strategies for Successful Living, a community-based website designed to promote quality aging.?As an educator, her focus is to inspire others to live and age well.

Our Video Resources

  • Our YouTube Channel: For insightful videos on better living: CLICK HERE.
  • ?How to Become Proficient at Risk Taking: For a complimentary video worth watching: CLICK HERE.
  • Tap Into the Powerful Effects of Music: For a complimentary video worth watching: CLICK HERE.
  • What It Takes to be a Wiser You: For a complimentary video worth watching: CLICK HERE.
  • Finding your Good Place:?For a complimentary video worth watching: CLICK HERE.

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