Connect with your inner self

Connect with your inner self

"Peace is all there is in life". Knowing it is like the inner and the outer connect without you and yet you are there to perceive the connection as the connection itself, not as you, the person. If this is hard for the mind to understand, no wonder because it is not meant to be understood but experienced. The experience is still of the mind and as any experience is short lived [you may get a glimpse of the stillness in that union that becomes your new identity, even if for a split second]. Here is a stumbling block for many that try to get back to that experience and multiply the split second, sometime for the rest of their lives, with little success and much disappointment.

But with persistence and honesty some may get the revelation that there is nothing to achieve and that which desired achievement does not exist as a separate entity. The interest in this particular achievement drops by itself and instead reveals a new facet of that ‘inner-outer connection’, more tame in which ‘what is’ in this very moment [including stimuli of the senses, body feelings, emotions] are moving freely around in an incessant transition, as thoughts, coming from me and disappearing back in me, while taking the ‘me’ away with them.

Transparent ‘things’ that have no life on their own, made out of ‘me substance’, floating around like birds in the sky seeking a place to land [do not try be nice/helpful and offer one because land they will and then will poop onto your head…]. If you stop looking you’ll be instantly projected into cleaning up after the pooping business of thoughts until getting back into looking and becoming the empty space you’ve always been. This kind of ‘looking’ may become a way of living that after a while may become a way of ‘being’ where it is clear that the body is innocent and the thought ‘I’ is the impostor that attaches itself to actions of the body, split second after they happen, and claim ownership of those actions.

The impostor once unmasked is not taken seriously any longer but rather ‘tolerated’ [with a kind of benevolent disdain and equanimity], as part of ‘what is’, together with anything else. The attachment to the impostor thought drops away and the body is perceived [inter]acting spontaneously with the other objects in this dream we call life. The ‘firm’ law of cause and effect appears ridiculously irrelevant because ‘I’ is the only cause and effect of every/anything that happens, whatever that may be. As such ‘all is well and unfolding as it should.’ Peace is all there is.

That is what we want to do. Control everything because we feel insecure. So keep things under control. Have you ever noticed any inner self? how do you even know such a thing exists? First explore if such a self exists. May be there is an elephant in the room or may be there is an ant. But just may be, we are not sure yet. Find the elephant or ant first, then we can explore the possibility of mastering that fellow. It helps to first become your own best friend. A good friend is understanding, supportive, and considerate. Understanding: Give yourself some slack to be human. Supportive: Be constructive in your efforts to move toward improvement. Considerate: Refuse to berate yourself and concentrate on positive thoughts.

Alone you fear the right and the wrong. Have one companion you both feel strong safe and confident. You counsel within yourselves and move on. This worldly companion has his own thought process, state of mind and may be with diverse activities and need,but the one companion who is with you all time is your own very own mind, conscience and self. This Self is your You inside you. Have you ever conversed with your own self. Surely no. Please do converse with your own self.

Sit in isolation ,far from all. Quiet. Deep breathe. Hold your breath. Release. Again repeat it many times. Be quiet. Eyes shut. Just quiet that's all. Your brain,mind all in frantic activity. You be quiet. Eyes closed. Sit time this for a long duration . Belong to yourself. Now address any issue to your mind . Keep quiet. Its being processed in your subconscious . Wait,listen to what it has to say. Just listen. Don't question or evaluate or feel you have to do anything about it. Just hear what it has told you. Get up. Todays session is done. Tuesday : do the same thing. Do this the whole week. Now your inner self has come to the fore front. You are its master and it masters you. Both emboldened each other. Please try. I am sure your sincerity in this would create a new You in yourself. Cheers!

Dr. Subramanya Burra

Professional Auditor || US-FDA|| UK-MHRA|| HEAITH CANADA|| WHO-GMP|| CDSCO|| ISO|| COMPLIANCE|| TRAINING|| Pharma|| Biotech||

3 年

Hi Kishore, Good post for meditation and soul reflection. This technique was put into practice by Swamy Vivekananda in his hey days. In recent times Dalai Lama demonstrated that you should follow this technique of breathing, not only by sitting alone in a quite place. Even when you are in motion for example in a car, train, plane or any mode of transport and even with noise and people all around. What DL wanted to show was your self control is the most important factor to gain control irrespective of circumstances and type of people around you like children, teenagers, adults Male and female. MKG also practised this technique, but for a short period of time, as he was consumed by political affairs, he had to leave it. In the name of national sacrifice he gave it up.



