Connect REST: Sending multipart form-data (File) in Pega
While uploading a file, we might encounter a scenario where we want to pass the uploaded file content to the external system using multi part form-data. In this case, we will not be able to directly map the request and Pega provides an OOTB (Out of the Box) functionality to send the file.
Step1: Set the request header "Content-Type" to "multipart/form-data" and additional properties needed to connect to the service.
Step2: Populate the "pyRequestAttachmentPage" of class "Data-ServiceMessage".
From Postman, we can directly upload the file and pass to the external system. From Pega, we need to populate the OOTB page with the mandatory properties and Pega takes care of mapping these values while connecting to the service.
Lets say we want to pass two key value,
a) First you pass the file content of uploaded document
b) Second you pass the file related properties in JSON format. // we can set any value and not restricted to JSON.
In order to pass first value, we need to populate the Pega provided page "pyRequestAttachmentPage" with below properties
.pyAttachNames(1) : Set the key name
.pyAttachFileName(1) : Set the file name
.pyAttachValues(1): Set the file stream
.pyAttachTypes(1): Set the type of document say "application/pdf"
To pass the second key value, append to the the same value list properties
.pyAttachNames(2) : Set the key name
.pyAttachValues(2): Set the JSON value to pass
.pyAttachTypes(2): Set the type say "text/JSON"
Step3: Invoke the Connect-REST rule after populating the above page and Pega automatically maps the request as multi part form-data.
Now, you should be able to succesfully transfer the file from Pega to the external system.