Connect with Others.
We (in the United States) live in a country that encourages and values individualism. It is one of the many gifts of freedom. We are allowed to be that which we choose. Unfortunately, in the process of maturation, we may find it necessary to separate ourselves from the whole in order to define the essence of our being. Perhaps it is time that we find a way to take what we have learned in our soul searching and come back to the "whole."
Look at those that surround you today (truly SEE them).?They, too, have experienced heartache, love, victory, and defeat. They have also felt as if they do not belong. Our differences in gender, ethnicity, sexuality, culture and upbringing should all be honored. It is what makes us unique; yet, we are more alike than different. Ultimately, there is only one race. It is the human race and we are all in it.
I invite you to step up today and to connect with others. Even a smile and a "hello" to a passing stranger may change the course and nature of their day. Step out of your comfort zone and into the world of connection. Peace is created one person at a time.
Success or sabotage? What is the reward that you see as a result of your envisioned success? Live it NOW.
Is this going to be an incredible day??If you allow yourself to remain connected, you will see the beauty in all things. Ahhhhhhhh....