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Via sho buz ~A new way to watch movie, connect and speculate from Paramount!
Below please find details regarding a series of virtual screenings from Paramount via CYA – the first three screening events will be Tommy Boy hosted by director Peter Segal; Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan hosted by Inglorious Treksperts, Mark Altman and Daren Dochterman; and Breakfast at Tiffany’s hosted by Andrea Kalas, Paramount’s head of Archives.Paramount is planning to present a series of virtual screenings that will be streamed online via CYA.LIVE, allowing viewers to watch and interact via text and video with other fans, as well as special guest hosts.The first event will be a 25th anniversary screening of the comedy classic TOMMY BOY hosted by the film’s director, Peter Segal, whose additional credits include Get Smart with Steve Carell, 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler, Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult with Leslie Nielsen, and more. The event will take place on Saturday, April 18 at 5pm PT.