Connect, Learn & Experience
Text: Joséphine Verhaeghe (Consultante Santé Animale, OneHealhPharma - [email protected])

Connect, Learn & Experience

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Dr. ?rtomir Praprotnik , manager of Animalis, d.o.o. and president of the Slovensko dru?tvo za kakovost mleka in zdravje vimena (Slovenian Society for Milk Quality and Udder Health) has shared his way to put #mastitis #management into practice.

Fifteen years ago, he started with a hygiene range to prevent mastitis. Nowadays he represents several companies in Slovenia and has a strong portfolio for mastitis management, including vaccines and feed supplements. His company works with farmers, veterinarians and feed mills.

Keno?-M ( is the tool he uses to follow his customers in the field.

Keno?- M helps to switch from curative to preventive measures, and to upgrade from product selling to a service model paid by the products purchased. He started with loyal customers, open to new way of working, driven customers. The so-called early adopters. Other farm vets were included in the project as well.

"As a second step in the development of the approach, data were analyzed for the vet practice eager to dive into the prevention mode. Overall, there was not so much interest at the start, the fear of losing a source of income is still present! The same as for the cardiologist keen on heart attack, as it is the core of his business", says ?rtomir. ??

Nowadays, Animalis, d.o.o. is seen as the expert in udder health in Slovenia and neighboring countries including Croatia. The service approach is developing even more, and Keno?-M gives finally an opportunity to the farm vets to go in the milking parlor during milking! It is mostly adopted by young vets.?The diagnostic approach helps to know your limit and to cooperate to find herd-specific and effective solutions. Next step for ?rtomir Praprotnik and his team: improve their knowledge about the milking machine functioning.

Interested in boosting your dairy producers towards a better udder health, less stress and lower use of antibiotics in an efficient way? Then contact us via [email protected] and we are eager to help you to help your dairy producers.


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