With a focus this week on DECISION QUALITY it is especially important to recognize the evidence informing a decision (the truth), to recognize all the evidence that could inform the decision (the whole truth), and to DISCERN the reliability of the evidence (nothing but the truth).
But finding all the evidence that can be considered reliable, and determining the reliability of the best evidence we have, is a huge undertaking.
I wrote before that one of my favorite words is COLLABORATIVE and emphasized MAXIMAL COLLABORATION to discuss some of our deepest collaborations.
Imagine if you could combine the leading service for systematically finding and validating the reliable evidence for clinical decision-making and the leading service for systematically finding and critically appraising the validity for the best evidence we have for clinical decision-making. This joining together for a common purpose (CONJOINING) would be a MAXIMAL COLLABORATION with great impact. I’m pleased to report such an occurrence with the following press release.
Taking it even further with some MAGIC ;)