Congressional Budget Office’s Deficit 2017-2026
There are changes in healthcare that will take place in the next 10 years as projected by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). These changes will have impact the healthcare industry significantly. There are many options that will be implemented and can affect not only the larger healthcare facilities but also nursing homes, specialty clinics and physician’s private practices. The healthcare system addresses many challenges and concerns on reducing the deficit and lowering healthcare costs (
One of the largest causes of the federal government’s budget problems is the rising health care costs that requires the fundamental healthcare reform to be part of any budget solution. As per President Obama in 2010 “In order to reduce the deficit debt, the fundamental health reform must be a part of any budget” There are several options to assist in decreasing the amount of spending or increasing revenues over a ten-year span in healthcare spending. These options include reducing healthcare waste spending and decreasing healthcare costs. Reducing healthcare costs by creating preventative healthcare for individuals that cannot afford healthcare or unable to delay emergency care or see their primary care physicians which slows or halts the increase in healthcare costs nationally for all (MaryBeth Musumeci, Julia Paradise)
Democrats and Republicans should work together to reform healthcare and not shred or erase what has been previously done for patients. The solution that can fix healthcare is to offer healthcare at a reasonable price. Implementing an effective healthcare system will improve healthcare costs by reducing the practice of defensive waste spending on; duplicate testing, medical treatments and procedures that can produce costly lawsuits for malpractice. Healthcare programs are increasingly growing at a rapid rate and so is wasted spending. Healthcare spending for medical supplies and services which have been provided to patients, have increased in use and prices This increase is due to the enrollment from an aging population and the growth of healthcare federal programs and enrollee spending of those enrolled. What does this mean for healthcare private practices? The CBO has projected spending for federal healthcare under the current law which examines proposals which could change the federal healthcare policies. Healthcare should be set up for long-term with incentives of third-parties, patients and physicians as well as restore and maintain trust among these parties as well or chaos will continue regardless of what is spent by improving healthcare (