Congress is dancing
Confronting change, creating future in Pristina
More than 500 entrepreneurs, decision makers and international speakers from Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Dubai, USA and Germany were assembled by the entrepreneur Denis Gafuri in Pristina on the 21st and 22nd of October 2022.
The training provider Gafuri started this yearly international event to develop both practical and visionary ideas for the business community five years ago. Against all odds he organized right away the first event successfully for over three hundred attendees. He refused to think small, because the vision is to contribute to the success of the whole region.
Local entrepreneurs have to contend with a high migration rate of employees to Western Europe. On the other hand, there is a widespread, lively pride and joy in leading one's own region to the top.
One of the speakers, Edmond Hajrizi, the founder of the UBT University in Pristina, has already paved the way to the top. Its university has been recognized as one of the best in the world and ranges i.a. in the field of robotics to the top of the world. Hajrizi also contributes to a think tank for the peaceful resolution of international conflicts.
He is not alone in this striving for a peaceful, prosperous coexistence with all neighbors. This goal is a real concern for everyone I had the privilege of speaking with at the convention.
Kosovars and Albanians are proud hosts with consummate courtesy. They are proud of their tradition of living in peace with members of all religions. They are justifiably proud of offering refuge to Jews during the Nazi era and of refusing the Nazi order to hand over the Jews in 1943. This makes the Albanians one of the very few peoples in Europe who have managed to successfully resist the deep abyss of inhumanity.
Against this background, the goal of bringing Kosovo into economic, cultural and peaceful prosperity appears to be a promising and exciting challenge. Important indicators of economic development, such as reducing corruption, have improved significantly in recent years.
In some IT areas, the professionalization of Kosovar and Albanian companies has progressed further than in some areas of Western Europe.
Participants and in particular all employees of the convention were characterized both by a high level of professionalism and also by their above-average motivation.
There is justifiable confidence that the further independent rise of Kosovo can become an enrichment for all neighbors and a valuable inspiration for Europe.
At the end of the congress, Albanians and European guests danced together.?