Congratulations on World FM Day!
This year's World FM Day sees our industry continuing it essential, central role in the reopening of facilities and estates, having performed this function in admiral fashion throughout the course of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Everyone in FM has even more reason to celebrate the many successes of our industry this year, particularly with the easing of lockdown restrictions contributing to increased levels of activity for FMs and service providers.
In order to engage with the celebrations around World FM Day, today also sees the deadline for entries into the PFM Partnership Awards categories, with a deadline of 23 July for both Account Director of the Year and Young Leader of the Year categories.
The PFM Awards have also provided the industry with many reasons to celebrate all that's best about the FM sector over the course of the last 28 years and this year is expected to see this raised to unprecedented levels, providing more scope for recognition and celebration over the years ahead.