
Today, I received an email confirming my graduation! Yeehaw, as they would say in Texas! On that note, let me congratulate to all my friends and classmates! It has been an amazing chapter in my life and I will try to remember it for the rest of my life!

I have had an interesting college career, I attended 3 different colleges in 2 different countries. Like anybody, I had to fight with numerous demons and like many, I have come out on top. Unfortunately, this successful fight has the most anti-climatic graduation in history, I reckon. No ceremonies, no celebrations with family and friends, no late-night shenanigans downtown. Press "submit" and just like that you're done. "Your degree is being mailed soon."

But don't worry, there will be celebrations in time and we will reunite with friends as we used to. We live in unprecedented times fighting a demon we can't even see. And thats to the collaborative effort of all of us, we are on the right track. Let's take a moment and use this small personal achievement to congratulate the real heroes of today; the medical staff. They have been working tirelessly trying their best to heal the world. We salute you and thank you!


