Congratulations to Changguang Satellite Technology—Nine Satellites Launched Successfully!
Congratulations to Changguang Satellite Technology’s nine satellites were launched successfully! As an important partner of Changguang Satellite Technology, COSATS can provide a variety of innovative high-performance camera solution both at home and abroad.
The successfully launched "Jilin-1" Gaofen 03 series satellite is composed of three video satellites, including "Bilibili Video Satellite" and "Yangshipin" satellite, and six push-broom satellites, which are independently developed by Changguang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.
This series of satellites maintain the mature single aircraft and technical foundation of "Jilin-1" Gaofen 03A satellite. By innovative technologies such as lightweight construction design, highly integrated electronics system, ultra-lightweight and low-cost camera with high-resolution, the weight of the whole satellite is controlled at the level of 40kg, with the characteristics of low cost, low power consumption, low weight and high resolution.
Among them, push-broom satellite can acquire push-broom images with panchromatic resolution higher than 1m, multi-spectral resolution higher than 4m and width longer than 17km, while video satellite can acquire color video images with resolution higher than 1.2m and coverage area not less than 14.4km*6km.
Contact us: COSATS 星众空间
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