Congratulations to the 80 Guidehouse Quality and Knowledge Management (QKM) Recognition Award Winners! (9/27/23 through 10/05/23)
Congratulations to the following 80 people who?demonstrated initiative by investing time in themselves and Guidehouse Quality and Knowledge Management (QKM) Programs from September 28, 2023 through October 5, 2023! They demonstrated Guidehouse RIISE values of 'Stewardship' and 'Excellence.'
Adam J. Daly ; Afoso Olumese, PMP ; Alexander Perrin; Alyssa Deffenbaugh ; Amber Jones Heimberg ; Beth Pavon ; Blake Monroe (LSSYB) ; Brandon Hodges ; Brian G. Crouch ; Brycen Ford; Chenna Ogbuokiri; Chidimma Ezeilo; Christian I. ; Corinne Graffunder; Courtney Piccolo (Sadler), MPH ; Dan Hushon ; David Tramonte-Small ; Dave J. ; David Baskin ; David McCracken ; Dennis Rim; Ed Tallon; Edward Kim ; Eileen Perry ; Graham Pellegrino ; Harrison Phelan ; Helena Diep, CCS, MS ; Isabel Schreur ; Jabbe van Leeuwen ; Jami Geragosian ; Jen Weaver; Jessica A. Jiménez ; Jessica Thurman ; Johanna Kinsley ; John Jalbrzykowski ; Jonathan LaBeaud; Joshua Moore ; Judith B. ; Karan Kaushal, MHA, CSM ; Karla Corea-Carcamo, PMP ; Katie VandePutte ; Kayla Funkenbusch; Kiera Brabham ; Kirby Manaloto; Kirolos Mansour, MAS ; Krisitna Narvaez; Kristen Johnson ; LaSonya Knowles; Logan Pearlman ; Luda Palei, MBA, Prosci?, CCMP, LSSYB ; Lydia Lewis, CFE, CAMS ; Lynda At-lmulud ; Mandeep Kaur; Marco Tormen ; Matthew Baxley ; Matthew C. ; Meghan Guida ; Mollica, Melanie ; Michael Hensley; Missy Geralds ; Nicole Reed Fry ; Nouhou Ibrahim; Pilar Rivera Cruz ; Raven Bennett; Regina Samuels ; Robert Carpenter, CAMS ; Robin Yagloski; Robin Ridgway ; Ryan Olson ; Sabrina Smith, MPH ; Sam Hathaway ; Samantha Spilka Brister ; Sana Lalani ; Sandra Richardson ; Sarah H. ; Steven Hoang ; Theresa Lucas ; Timothée Macquart ; Whitney Cox ; William Brito .
Specifically, they earned recognition for their involvement one or more of the following QKM programs:? Corrective Action, Engagement Documentation, Past Performance Qualification, and QKM Training.
Great work everyone!
Guidehouse Quality and Knowledge Management Team,
K.C. Barr, Lauren Kildea, Samantha Moreno, Matt Zimba
PS: If you're in Guidehouse, search for 'QKM Recognition' on 'The Hub'. You'll see the specific program recognition each person earned and how you can earn recognition for involvement in QKM programs!