Congratulation to the recipients of the prestigious BIRD Energy grant!
The #BIRDEnergy Executive Committee met in Washington, D.C. to choose the latest recipients of the prestigious BIRD Energy grant. BIRD Energy is a U.S.-Israel program administered in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy, Israel's Ministry of Energy and the Israel Innovation Authority to bolster energy innovation, economic security and bilateral cooperation.
- The Executive Committee approved $4.8 million for five BIRD Energy projects in the areas of hydrogen storage, advanced biofuels, sustainable transportation and energy efficiency. The five approved projects are:
- Brenmiller Energy Ltd. and Power Authority of the State of New York will develop a high temperature storage based CHP system.
- CelDezyner Ltd. and AdvanceBio LLC. will develop a process for production of ethanol from lignocellulosic feedstocks.
- QDM Ltd. and ALD NanoSolutions Inc. will develop 3rd generation HTS cables.
- SoftWheel Ltd. and Detroit Bikes, will develop an energy- efficient, low-maintenance, high-performance bicycle.
- TerraGenic Ltd. and Triton Systems, Inc. will develop a safe hydrogen transport and storage system.
Since 2009, BIRD Energy has funded 37 projects with a total investment of about $30 million. BIRD Energy grantees have gone on to attract an additional $200 million in funding to commercialize their clean energy technologies.
Click on the U.S. DOE press release for details on the 2017 BIRD Energy recipients