Congratulating Our Smart Clubs in the UK & Ireland
Michael O'Carroll Membership Management / Payments/ EPOS Tills / Cards / Access / Booking
It’s been several months since I last updated our website and social channels. It’s been an extremely busy time for us and in ways, as I sat down to consider an overdue update I wasn’t quite sure where to begin.. latest products news, latest cloud features, diverse new clubs from Irish tennis clubs to English boxing clubs, multi-sport clubs to exclusive yacht clubs and private members clubs.. Should I talk about EPOS and cards, track and trace, fundraising tools, online payments and bookings..?
All of that can wait. At the end of the day, one item stands out above all others and that is quite simply the recognition which we have to give to all of our customers for the manner in which they conducted themselves throughout the last six challenging months. In the same way that we have stood by our clubs, adapting and enhancing our membership management offering to face up to new Covid challenges, our clubs have engaged with us in order to deliver for their members, communicating, working together, delivering together in true partnership. And such co-operation and teamwork has often been against a backdrop of not knowing what the next day would bring.. would clubs be ordered to close again, would more new restrictions be (re-)introduced, would today’s re-opening plans and new procedures have to be revised again in the morning, might this be a case of one step forward only to have to take two steps back.
All of our clubs have acted with tremendous determination to survive and re-launch, coming back stronger than ever, while also accepting increased responsibility for the health and welfare of their staff and members. This proactive determination was exhibited equally by our clubs run by dedicated volunteers as it was by our larger clubs with permanent management teams in place.
Unfortunately, we are still living through the Covid era but hopefully there is a better time coming in the not too distant future, when the individuals involved in fighting for their clubs will gain some well-earned respite and recognition from their members and communities for all the hard work and time which they have given and continue to give in navigating a successful course through the current challenges.
Well done and thanks to all our Smart Clubs as well as all other clubs battling through this challenging time.