Confusion with terms UI.. UX.. or ..
As a web developer, we understand may be front end or back-end no matters. Most of the problem is now a days to find out a proper skilled person.I've allays though that those terms most of the time is not used properly. Even big blue companies also did the same mistake. Sometimes it listen strange. UX developer?? But Is this true? What is UI designer, GUI designer, Web designer, UX designer, UI developer or Front end developer?
I got few interesting blogs also but still I think it should not clear for employees even consultants too.
Let me explain. UI is a general term. a WEB/GUI designer, a graphic designer or a UX designer are all designers...together they give you a well perfect things...each of them are responsible of their part of job.
When a UX designer is responsible for user research and logical disposition, on another side UI designer is much responsible for Visual as well as coding part. Graphic designer is also done the similar work but they are not limited into the UI side only. We can say they may be added advantage to print media also. They might not bother about the rules of WWW family.
Then What is UI developer do?
UI developer most responsibilities with UI and UI is much more concern with HTML Mark up and CSS style sheet. few more dependencies also has in knowledge in JavaScript or similar language used in interaction part. It is fine to include few more CSS pre-processor like SASS/LESS or any other frameworks like bootstrap, Foundation, grid960 bla bla bla. For healthy and fair way it can be suggested to using Object oriented CSS or Block Element Model. But main focus is on UI movement and most of the case additional responsibility on device or browser compatibility.
I have heard about UI designer too?
They are responsible for UI designing. they might have some idea about HTML part, and I feel it is good. That knowledge some how used in designing when they are going to create something new or innovative.
Here is another play as JavaScript developer, who mostly taken the concern with JavaScript or any other JS frameworks. Their work area is only responsible JavaScript. similarly many deference developers are being used.
Is Front End Developer do the same?
Front end developer is not playing the same unless he is responsible for higher features of an application. They are responsible for overall front end flows related work, mostly using JavaScript or JS frameworks related in the application. Which is maintain an MVC or MVVM pattern. Analyzing to improve page load time, reducing Ajax calls or improvement overall in technical way.