Confusing Words for Spanish Speakers

Confusing Words for Spanish Speakers

Hi there, Teachifyers! Welcome back for our latest edition of Simply Amazing English! Today we’ve put together some useful words that can be quite confusing for Spanish speakers. Don’t worry, after this, you’ll be using this vocabulary like a pro! Let’s go!

1) Budget & Quote/Estimate: In Spanish, the word ‘presupuesto’ means 'budget' as well as 'quote/estimate'. Let’s look at their different meanings…

  • Budget: the budget is the quantity of money that you have to spend on something. (presupuesto) Example: The budget for the project is limited.
  • Quote/Estimate: this is the estimated cost of a product or service. (presupuesto) Example: The quote for the renovation is around 20,000 euros.

2) Attend & Assist: False friend alert! Be careful with this common mistake!

  • Attend: to be present at an event, a class, a meeting, etc. (asistir) Example: Unfortunately, I can’t attend the meeting on Friday.
  • Assist: to help (asistir) Example: Let me know if I can assist you during your first week here.

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3) Currently & Actually: Another common confusion, let’s look at the difference…

  • Currently: at the present time (actualmente) Example: We are currently hiring new employees!
  • Actually: in fact, really (realmente) Example: I didn’t actually talk to him, I just saw him from a distance.

4) Remember & Remind: In Spanish, recordar means 'remember' and 'remind'. Let’s check out the difference…

  • Remember: to keep something in your mind and not forget it (recordar) Example: I remember going to Barcelona on a work trip a few years ago.
  • Remind: to make someone think of something they might have forgotten (recordar) Example: Please remind me to send that email.

5) Borrow & Lend: In English, this pair of words can be confusing.

  • Lend: give someone something to use temporarily (dejar prestado) Example: I’ll lend you some money this month if you need it.
  • Borrow: to receive something to use temporarily (tomar prestado) Example: Can I borrow your phone for a second?

Hopefully we’ve cleared up some of your doubts with these tricky words in English. Start practicing them today and give us some examples below!

What other words do you find confusing in English? Let us know in the comments!??????






