Confusing Words in English Language
Gulam Mustafa Ali Khan
Open to new opportunity in English, Biology, Chemistry or Middle School Science teaching.
Certain words in the English language are confusing to the learners of English. I wish to clarify their meanings and usage. Some of these words are
1) quiet, quit, quite
quiet = silent
Example: Please keep quiet.
quit = to leave
Example: The doctor advised him to quit smoking.
quite = completely/ absolutely
Example: The patient is quite well.
2. principal, principle
Principal = main
The principal reason for leaving the job is low salary.
Principle = rule or law
Example: You need to flow the principles of morality.
3. affect, effect
affect = to influence
Example: Smoking affects the health of a person.
effect = result
The effect of rotation of earth is formation of day and night.
4. bear, bare
bear = to tolerate
I can't bear that irritating old man.
bare = without (clothes, shoes, etc.)
The beggar is walking bare-footed.
5. differ, defer
differ = to go against
I differ from his viewpoint on globalisation.
defer = to delay
He deferred the payment due to lack of funds.