Confusing confusion matrix ??
Ruvva Poojitha
Intern at Kroll Ex-GDSC Data Science lead Student at ADITYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, K.Kothuru, Tekkali - 532201, Srikakulam District, A.P(CC-A5)
Lets all know, who invented this confusion?? matrix.
Karl Pearson invented the confusion matrix in the year 1904, where it's celebrating its 120th birthday and we are still confused about its existence ??
lets Know about our chief-guest Mr.Confusion Matrix on its 120th Birth Anniversary ??
It's named so because it is used to determine where the model is confused among 2 classes during classification (i.e., if it mislabels the classes), rather in return its confusing us ??It is used for performance analysis of a classification task.
Lets know it now !!
True Positive : Telling True(actual) as True(prediction) (Good boy is good ) (Truth about +ve thing)
False Positive : Telling False(actual) as True(Prediction) (Bad boy is Good) (False about -ve thing)
False Negative: Telling True(actual) as False(Prediction) (Good boy is bad) (False about +ve Thing)
True Negative : Telling False(actual) as False(Prediction) (Bad boy is Bad) (Truth about -ve thing)
If wanted to get confused ??:
Rule : Remember,in this the terms "Positive and negative" in right sub-part are considered based on the Predicted values. ( Positive = True , Negative = False )
Case 1 : Capital city of India is New Delhi. Actual ans is :"True"
Case 2 : Capital city of India is Mumbai. Actual ans is :"False"
True Positive (TP) : For case 1, If "you say True" (Predicted) based on the rule it's True=Positive, actual is true, You Truly predicted as True(Positive), its True Positive.
Logic :(Actual = True, Predicted = True(Positive,based on rule) = True Positive)
False Positive (FP) : For case 2, If "you say True" (Predicted) based on the rule it's True=Positive, actual is False, You Falsely predicted as True(Positive), its False Positive.
Logic :(Actual = False, Predicted = True(Positive,based on Rule) = False Positive)
False Negative (FN) : For case 1,If "you say False" (Predicted) based on the rule it's False=Negative, actual is True, You Falsely predicted as False(Negative), its False Negative.
Logic :(Actual = True, Predicted = False(Negative,based on Rule) = False negative)
True Negative (TN) : For case 2,If "you say False" (Predicted) based on the rule it's False=Negative, actual is False, You Truely predicted as False(Negative), its True Negative.
Logic :(Actual = False, Predicted = False(Negative,based on Rule) = True negative)