Confucian Text for Entrepreneurs - part I

Confucian Text for Entrepreneurs - part I

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Ancient Chinese texts constantly reiterate that balance is the basis for development and happiness, which is further aided with the manner of these writings in a form of [principles which makes them applicable to a variety of situations. Balance leads to harmony which is preferred by heaven who in turn grants human’s tools and abilities to govern on earth. The concept goes that far that even adverse effects of an act or more often natural occurrences be seen as a correcting action towards restoring balance. This is instilled in the essence of the Confucian philosophy as well as other writers from the era before China’s unification (Shang Yang – Book of Lord Shang). The following parts will be an adoption of the chapter The Great Plan from The Book of Historical Documents. The chapter talks about Yun to whom Heaven granted The Great Plan with its nine divisions after it had refused Yun’s father Gun because him building a dam to control the waters in his lands, resulting in the disorder of the arrangements of the five elements.

Five parts of personality

Bodily Demeanour

Considering that in the course of managing the business in fact entrepreneurs manage people he/she works with, being aware about how the message is delivered and understood is very important. Awareness about messages that are sent through body posture can be of a great help during communications with other, in our example, firm’s employees. Body language includes all non-spoken forms of expressions; body and limbs, facial expressions, eyes, mouth, and lip expressions.

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Text from Confucian era played important attention how a person is viewed by others. At the heart of the message to be displayed is modesty and respect towards others. Apart from those that willingly and consciously express there are many more that most of us unconsciously send a message to those that are viewing us. Sending a wrong signal can have serious consequences for a typical small firm, considering that customers usually are few and firm’s activity more often than not relies on a small number of employees. Values of modesty and respect towards others that sits in the core of the message makes no discrimination between people, in other words everyone no matter the seniority of the position should be treated with deserved respect. Firm’s owner, or decision maker, should be always aware of the type of the message he/she wants to send; friendly, authoritative, distant, ready for action, as well as many other facial expressions, some research suggest that body language may account for as much as seventy percent of all communications. A large part consists of facial expressions and hand gestures. If we are to imagine an official meeting, expressions that we make with eyes and mouth, including lips, may make or break firm’s prospects and well-being of all those involved in the day-to-day operations.

Speech – reasoning

There are countless situations in the past that a masterly delivered speech made the difference. In fact, many important historical personalities were nothing more than good speakers in front of others. Speaking, together with listening, reading and writing form the language skills set needed for effective communication. Inn this context speaking in itself is considered in the role of explaining own actions and reasoning with others. Let us go back to the typical small firm situation with one owner and very few employees. They may be very few in number, but they carry a big weight in the course of day-to-day business tasks. It is crucial that they understand what each task mean not just for the simple reason of fulfilling it but also the wider implications on the course of meeting firm’s objectives. It is vital that these employees believe in the dream which was expressed and reasoned by the owner. Accordance with reason is at the heart of Chinese text about speech and speaking to others. Speaking on its own is considered as a way to agree through reasoning.

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During a normal active day, we are surrounded by countless parts that will draw attention to look at in a natural way. From those only a few of them will remain in our memory with only fewer still that will result in us paying attention to observe the occurrence. Seeing clearly at situations, it’s natural events and people’s actions, is the essence of the message that old text highlights. The Five Personal Matters as being granted by Heaven to Yun aid in his justly governance. Similarly, firm’s owner should be able to see clearly without being affected by passion or preference. It should aid clarification which in turn should help getting wiser. Confucius considered wisdom a stage reached through sincere learning. be continued!


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