The Conflict of Right v/s wrong
- Ranajit Das

The Conflict of Right v/s wrong

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I am a reader, a reader who gains knowledge and processes it. But mostly, it’s about the message conveyed by the book, is the information correct, is it incorrect, is this fact true, is it false or is the writer right or wrong? Well, who judges it? Here’s an extract from one of my undying literary favorites from Alice in Wonderland:

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Alice: Which way should I go?
Cat: That depends on where you are going
Alice: I don’t know
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go

You see, Lewis Carol as we know him was not just a writer based on his power of imagination, I’d in fact take the liberty to call him a sorcerer, a psychologically philosophical sorcerer! A genius who identified that the world, until it arrives to the conclusion that neutrality of thoughts is the way to survive this confusing, crazy little world will always end up following paths traveled by many only to find themselves lost at the thought of ‘what ifs’. What if I chose the Navy instead of Engineering? What if I could have done better than picking pink sauce pasta over regular spaghetti? What if… The world didn’t need a black hole, it just needs ‘what ifs’ for concluding the oblivion.

I don’t know if many of us will even accept this but do we really know where we are heading? What’s the destination? And if it’s even worth? Yet, we keep going because that’s what we have been taught, to follow! To lead, a few of us will know.  We are in constant state of anxiety over which way to choose, why do we suffer this? Gen X, Gen Y, the Baby boomers, all of them, confused! Confusion has taken over the professionals, the artists and the whole world, at every stage, every time they hit a CROSSROAD.

Why be afraid of the crossroads? Isn’t it what helps us make a decision and consecutively evolve? Keeping a count over the number of crossroads we come across in our lifetimes is like stepping in a minefield and counting the explosives. Education, marriage, family, at the beginning of your day and at the end of it, innumerable decisions to make and just one life. Phew! But what if we fix the puzzle by knowing that we fear the crossroads because of lack of direction, we don’t know where we are heading and if you don’t know where you are heading, why worry? Why not treat confusion as opportunity of exploring the unknown? Because dear friend, none of us really know where we are heading, really. But hey! We actively plan the next day, charging the alarm before bed, even though we’re unsure if our breaths will respond to the alarm next morning or not.

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Don’t worry! The alarm is insignificant and so is a crossroad unless you know that you are not merely a log of wood floating in the river, and if you persist feeling so, well enjoy it! It’s your journey, your destination


