The Conflict ...... !!

The Conflict ...... !!

Conflict Management

Project Managers need to realize that conflicts during the life of a project are inevitable. Recognizing this fact, developing good procedures or techniques, and planning for conflict resolution can help resolve conflicts as they arise. A project management plan can identify potential conflicts, develop resolution methods, and document the methods for the project team to use throughout the project.


Sources of Conflict

Research has shown that the greatest source of conflict is between project managers and functional managers. Most of these are the result of disagreements over schedules, priorities, and resources. This runs contrary to commonly held beliefs that most project conflicts are a result of personality differences.


Confronting / Problem-Solving

Sometimes referred to as “confronting” or “collaborating”, although the term confronting may have a negative connotation to it, this method is generally viewed as the best method for conflict resolution. It “confronts” the source of conflict and looks to solve the conflict so it will not be an issue for the project.



To compromise is to negotiate or bargain for a solution that gives both parties some degree of satisfaction. Some would call this a “give and take” or “win-win situation. Others might call it a “lose-lose” position, since neither party will get everything they want or need.



Forcing is exactly as the name implies. It is when one party tries to impose the solution on the other party. The result is usually viewed as a “win-lose” situation, where one party wins at the expense of the other. Typically, this method does not address the underlying source of conflict and can reduce team morale. It is not viewed as a good method for long term solutions and relationship building.


Smoothing / Accommodating

When using the smoothing, or accommodating, technique, the Project Manager will emphasize the areas of agreement or turn attention to what is going well and deemphasizing the areas of disagreement or conflict. Smoothing tends to downplay the conflict instead of resolving it.


Withdrawing / Avoiding

Withdrawal is often regarded as a temporary solution at best. Some argue that this is not a conflict resolution at all. A project manager that uses this method is merely hoping that the problem will go away by itself over time. Because of the avoidance or temporary nature of this method, the conflict can come up again and again throughout the project life.

Rahul Agrawal

Pragmatic Engineer, Player Coach

8 年

It take a lot of courage and support from the env to allow people to say without fear and losing the respect of their co-workers that they don't know or don't understand few things in certain situations and seek help to understand it. As a result , often people try to cover the situation by whatever they can and that often leads to conflict.

Raja Nagendra Kumar

Chief Code Doctor - Delivering Clean never exhausts #CodeDoctors

8 年

My experience is due to 'Greed' of Managers or they unable to understand depth of Technical Efforts required to do things right the first time and how it case save huge time & Team Intellect compared to doing a shabby work (which is within Managers scope of understanding), specially if any says they are accountable to accelerated technical results :), they start bringing in anything and everything like a child... I pity team, as they are creating a culture of team suicidal at last mile.. if team wins, product & client is for sure to die.. as it is a 500+ of production..



