conflict is a portal II random scribbles

conflict is a portal II random scribbles

we have had myriads of interactions in life

and we have had numerous conflicts

does "many interaction" and "many conflict",

make us, in any way, better in managing ongoing interactions and conflict?


only rarely for some persons !!!

turns out that our interactions have many parameters

like frequency, trust, power equation, etc.

one of the parameter is a rather tricky one.

it is a combination of

how many hours of interactions very frequently (say daily),

and for how many months together such interactions have taken place?

it turns out

that the more one interacts with someone

the more one develops some peculiarities within these

- taking the other for granted or seeing the person as predictable,

- ability to see contradictions in the other;

- ability to see gaps in promise versus delivery;

- ability to see imperfections in the other;

- and because so much is said and done between the two...that a lot of them is difficult to aggregate and remember;

- lots of unresolved things that keep boiling beneath the surface;

- collection or recall of various negative remarks;

- lots of disagreements about world view and how things work;

- blurring of boundaries between the persons and thus many transgressions;

- having shared or displayed many things that later could become embarrassing or "wish i had not said so";

- lots of conflicts and their accumulating unfairnesses;

- sense of feeling of "only more and more of discussions and discussions...";

- sense of exhaustion because the other is not changing as per one's desire and well-being;

- inability of the people involved to change quickly because change is mountainous in many areas and it takes time;

- being involved in many tasks together and thus rendering co-ordination issues of showing up with a certain energy, certain performance efficiency, etc;

- inability to adjudicate allocation of time, attention, resources to one another's focus areas and growth;

- feeling of mismatch of effort versus reward;

- not creating time/structure to create some "safe space" for pit-stop and take review of each other's progress

All these thoughts and feelings remain absolutely valid in all involved.

The way our interactions are structured has a lot to do with how we deal with the above. And having done so still doesn't guarantee whole coverage. The idea is to co-evolve and use conflict as a portal for self-discovery.

The challenge is to negotiate these when they turn into some form of massive conflict.

Because during conflict, all of the above explodes to gigantic proportion in both the persons involved.

There are valid reasons and valid feelings....and these have solid grounded felt truths to it.

So, how does one move from here?

- I believe one can check for whether coming from a space of "love or compassion" or "vindictiveness".

- Can one speak openly about one's feelings? And does the other person listen deeply?

- It is rare that both persons would get some form of equality in voicing their thoughts and feelings, and hence also the redressals. One of the persons can hold the space. And doing so remembering that the other has held space for us when we would have been out of bounds.

An apology is always in order or due.

As one certainly goes on to hurt the other in some ways.

So, Apology to have component of :

- Sincerity,

- Sharing how one can understand and relate to the "hurt person's" feelings,

- Repair the rupture of dignity and unfairness in concrete manner,

- Assure the other of its non-occurrence in the future.

Overarching Reality:

We are all here on the planet for sometime.

We have been in massive conflicts in the past.

They have shaped us.

However, we feel differently between while being in any of those conflict at that time, and when we remember them years later.

It is very rare that conflicts generate the same intensity years later.

This conflict shall also one day be in our memories.

Hence we can hold it humanly.

And every conflict is a portal for self-discovery and the dynamics of "in-between-us" spaces.

Have a human day.

Magical regards

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