Humayun Syed (Author)
Group Regional Director, HC/HR & TM Strategy Reporting to BOD & Group CEO at FMCG. Visiting Professor @ Universities. Member AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. In pursuit of 2nd Ph.D, to be completed shortly.
Before I commence with my limited knowledge, let me thank all those people who shared their experiences, sought counceling from me, and discussed how they are being harassed, tortured, degraded, targeted etc!!!! But before you commence reading take a second and review yourself in various such situations “Huh!!!! You never had any???? Think again my friend/s!!!!!!
Ok let’s take one thing at a time!!!! So first we will talk about “conflict” and then we will discuss “politics” AND BOTH AT WORK PLACE!!!! How ‘bout that!!!
In a short statement “Conflict” is a “friction or opposition, resulting from actual or perceived differences or incompatibilities”.
I took additional “dictionary” explanation of conflict as;
1. Competitive or opposing action of incompatibles
2. Mental struggle resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, drives, wishes, or external/internal demands
3. The opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fiction
Now again my question……. “what is a conflict?????”
Ok!!! Why does it happen? I take you step by step into it, let’s take a test. Look at the following chart. It is colored and there is color written on it. What you need to do is go fast SAY OUT THE COLOR NOT THE WORD written……..
Well!! There you go! The conflict starts right within you.
Don’t believe me! Let me give an example….. a smoker, who smokes a cigarette (this is an action), yet his mind knows that he should not; knowing that it is harmful (this is thought)….. so here; there is a conflict within a person between his action and his thoughts.
Sometimes people lie or do not spell out the truth (this is there action), however deep inside they know that should not have…….. (this is there thought). Well that’s a conflict (again) within yourself between your action and your thoughts.
So like I said……. conflict starts with you, within you…… but that’s ok……it is a normal process.
Conflict between people has various grounds. However before I take you into those grounds, let us analyze “the pillars of PERCEPTION” first.
Now what is “PERCEPTION”???. Perception is selection, organization and interpretation of sensory data. Which means you look at something or come across something and your mind interprets its meaning on its own. You read a book, a story and your mind creates imaginative movie/pictures.
Think of someone that you do not get along with, may be within your family, your circle, people around you………. Now ask yourself why do you resist, hate, detest or divert away from that particular person? Is it because of their acts, Attitude, mode of thinking, behaving……. What is it?
Yes Perception has a different meaning and different angle for all of us;
There is a statement “what is the truth”…… the truth is what you perceive it is!!!!!! So Perception!!
Oh well!!!! Its your perception of how you see the picture. But more importantly is…. How accurately you can define it!!!!
So………….Now………… what is Attitude?
I’ll give you another scenario……., you come across someone for the first time and in the very first instance you don’t like him or her……….. (without having a justified reason) why? Because that particular person gives you a reflection of someone else in some other situation in the past, where you got hurt and your mind just tends to make an image reflection and triggers the pain. That’s all!!!
Now “Conflict at Work Place” is primarily based on 3 aspects;
Note the word sequence…….; AIMS…….. BEHAVIORS……. METHODS!!!!
Here………. The question is why does the word “BEHAVIOR” comes in the middle……????
And did you notice the above slides, the 1st one about “attitude” and the 2nd one about “conflict”…… the word “BEHAVIOR” mentioned in both of them!!!!
In normal circumstances at a work place the “AIM” is achievement of goals & success. “METHODS”, is the approach!!!! of how, you seek to achieve the aim (goals/success).
While BEHAVIOR is a very devious aspect which people carry because behavior carries a tone of voice &……..
Now when we talk about conflicts at work place, I have attended so many meetings in my career and have done so much of mentoring, counseling, advising and trust me what I have seen in any given scenario is that it is the behavior that really defines everything. Meetings!!!! You did….. I did… but it was your team…. You don’t know…. Don’t teach me my friend…. (sounds familiarJ) Oh God!!! And this crap carries with no ending. Well the meeting ends, that’s true… but by that time people have really started to cook up various emails exchanges, blame games, back biting, hypocracy…….
The funny part is the emails JJJ………… I’ll give you a live example;
1st : please have the stock delivered and delivery note expedited and update me ………….
2nd; Stock delivered and DN expedited
1st; great work
2nd; thanks
1st; welcome
And the best part is that almost the whole world is in copy of such stupid emails…….. really hilarious!!! Come On guys!!!! This is not a whatsapp or facebook!!! This is official email address!
Now point 1, couldn’t these two people talk and agree WITH HAVING CONFIDENCE on each other & RESPECT to carry out the task? Was series of emails necessary??? Oh yes it was!!!! Then how would I prove that I had already informed him on time but he failed to do so (I did my job)……….. shows mistrust, gaining edge at the cost of others’ dignity, creating frictions and much more, in fact getting the other to get ready to strike back and the cold war begins. You know the best part!!!! These two guys or ladies would still stand together praising each other (hypocratic slum dogs) as if they are the best buddies.
In another example, I was in a career planning and promotion meeting as part of encouragement for employees (keep in mind more than one employee had been at the same position for almost 8 goddamn years)……
Me; so lets take an example of this guy, he’s been in this position for way too long and why is that?
Manager; well he is good for this position
Me; ok so let me understand that in 8 years he never showed the capability to exceed his daily routine?
Manager; no but he is good
Me; ok so you see the way I see it; either the guy does not have the capability to excel which means he should not be here, OR you have not given him a chance!
Manager; I gave him chances but I think we should leave him here itself.
Me; WOW!!! He is not performing and cannot take more responsibilities and you gave him chances (without defining what kind of chances) and you still want him here in the company!!!
Manager; we can spend all day talking about it but I AM THE MANAGER!!!! Plus he is getting increment every year why should we bother.
Me; ok so lets keep him there and he is getting increments every year and wow!!!! His pay is more than his supervisor/superior…. How do you justify that?
Manager; I have nothing to say more!!
Me; ok, lets do one thing, you Mr. Manager will get the same pay you are getting right now, but I will re-title you as ---- Executive or even Sr. Executive……. With same pay, how about that? And you will work in that capacity with those assignments.
Manager; (Flared up, stood up all red like a tomato) you are disgracing me!!!! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??? I HAVE SPENT 15 YEARS TO REACH THIS POSITION & I SHOULD BE NOW DIRECTOR!!! AND YOU ARE WASTING TIME!!!!
Me; you spent 15 years to become a manager and that makes you happy…… how do you think that guy sitting on that seat for 8 bloody years feels????? In my opinion, my question is are you capable enough to be a manager? Leave aside being a leader.
Mentality like that really looks for worshipers, because they want to be HIS HIGHNESS….. (I call it HIS HIGH ASS)……
Now review our summarized short dialogue here, and analyze what do you think the problem is!!!! More importantly, are you the same kind of superior???? LOL...
And such distances in relationships……
Above FIVE factors in this picture are THE PRIME CAUSE of many failures and wars, whether among countries, among nations or among people, whether at work or in their personal life!!!!
So!!!! In any given conflict situation, what you need to do is segregate your emotions and logics. Meaning segregate your feelings and aim for the goal. At many occasions, I advised people, leave your ego, behavior, attitude aside and lets look at what the problem is and then work out a solution to it. This way there are no personal attacks, no hidden benefits but purely a combined work to find a solution to a problem.
You may come across, or you probably have come across such situations, I’m sure!!! Take a step back, take a deep breath and ask you rival counterpart……. Are we here to disgrace each other or shall we focus onto the problem and the solution.
See if you are the first one to take such a step with such words, you are at a gain edge. You will be able to block the emotions (which are usually negative) and get people to focus on the problem
Now let’s talk about POLITICS!!!!!!!
Informal definition: When you find that your work and/or your ideas are being judged and/or dismissed based on something other than their merits, that’s office politics.
If your ideas are being rejected, not because they’re bad ideas but because they came from you, that’s office politics.
What is workplace Politics ?
Office politics arises when employees tend to misuse their power to gain undue attention and popularity at the workplace.
Employees indulge in work politics simply to tarnish their colleague’s reputation to obtain advantages and come in the good books of their superiors. If you really have the potential, there is nothing stopping you.
Politics reduces the productivity of individuals and eventually the organization is at a loss. People tend to spend their maximum time in pulling each other’s legs and playing nasty politics at work.
Individuals find it difficult to concentrate on work due to unnecessary politics at the workplace. Remember the organization pays you for your hard work, and not for playing politics at workplace.
It majorly affects the relationship amongst the individuals. Friends turn foes due to politics. People stop helping and most importantly trusting each other.
Office politics also increases conflicts and tensions at the workplace. Employees do not enjoy at the workplace and treat work as a burden.
Politics never helps in the long run. Ultimately it is an individual’s hard work and intelligence which benefits him.
Employees must enjoy a healthy relationship with their colleagues to give their best. Discussions are important to reach to the best option. Due to politics people avoid interacting with their fellow workers and thus fail to reach to innovative conclusions. The concept of team work and working in groups get nullified in cases of work politics.
Criticism increases as a result of office politics and people tend to crib more.
One should not favor any of his team members just because he offers him a lift daily to work. One should keep his personal and professional lives separate.
Office politics promotes negativity at the work place.
You see!!!!!! at the base of politics, there are two factors or in fact I would call them Addictions that work hand in hand with any mind, any person who is into politics;
1. Lust for Power
2. Greed for Money
These two addictions are not curable. I have seen people/patients with addictions of drugs, alcohol, etc, but all such kind of addictions are curable with proper attention and medication, BUT LUST FOR POWER & GREED FOR MONEY turns a human into a vicious animal, with blood on its hands. And the best part……… they don’t realize it, they are so blinded with these two addictions that nothing else matters……not even human lives, respect, dignity. It’s almost like they have sold their souls to Satan but at a very cheap price.
I ask you…….. no matter what religious belief you come from, what race, what ethnic background; WHICH RELIGION OR RACE OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND HAS TAUGHT YOU TO TARNISH HUMANS?????? THAT WOULD BE NONE. So such people with such political minds do not belong to or believe in any teachings of ethics, religion, respect and that is why they usually portray a personality of PSYCHOPATH or SOCIOPATH.
There are two major types of such psychopaths; THE LONE PLAYER which is a scorpio and stings like a scorpio........ extremely painful at the depth of your soul, your motivation, your dedication.
And the other one, I call them WILD DOGS!!!! these are group of such sociopaths who work in a pack to take people or their victims down and if you have seen a documentary on wild dogs, they like to each their victim while its alive.
Common factor among both the styles are the same grounds; LUST FOR POWER AND GREED FOR MONEY, and they are ready to walk over your corps with a smile.
They can portray to be your best friends..... but deep inside.......
Among many theories of motivation, I love David McClelland’s theory the best. According to his studies, people at a work place have only three kinds of needs.
Reasons for Office Politics
- Employees aspiring to come in the limelight easily without much hard word depend on politics.
- Politics arises when employees aspire to achieve something beyond their authority and control in a short span of time.
- Lack of supervision and control at the workplace.
- Too much of gossip at work lead to politics.
- Arrogant superiors
- Jealous colleagues
Workplace politics is the process and behavior in human interactions involving power and authority. It is also a tool to assess the operational capacity and to balance diverse views of interested parties. It is also known as office politics and organizational politics. It is the use of power and social networking within an organization to achieve changes that benefit SPECIFIC individuals within it. Influence by individuals may serve personal interests without regard to their effect on the organization itself. Some of the personal advantages may include access to tangible assets, or intangible benefits such as status or pseudo-authority that influences the behavior of others. On the other hand, organizational politics can increase efficiency, form interpersonal relationships, expedite change, and profit its members simultaneously. Both individuals and groups may engage in office politics which can be highly destructive, as people focus on personal gains at the expense of the organization. "Self-serving political actions can negatively influence our social groupings, cooperation, information sharing, and many other organizational functions." Thus, it is vital to pay attention to organizational politics and create the right environment. Psychologist Oliver James identifies the dark triadic personality traits (psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellianism) to be of central significance in understanding office politics.
Office politics differs from office gossip in that people participating in office politics do so with the objective of gaining advantage, whereas gossip can be a purely social activity. However, the two are somewhat related. Office gossip is often used by an individual to place themselves at a point where they can control the flow of information, and therefore gain maximum advantage. The secretive nature of organizational politics differentiates it from public gossip and thus, may be more harmful to the organization. Both can cause one to doubt the intentions of co-workers, which creates a hostile work environment. Office politics also refers to the way co-workers act among each other. Employee interaction holds the potential to be either positive or negative (i.e. cooperative or competitive).
At the root of office politics is the issue of manipulation. Manipulation can be present in any relationship where one or more of the parties involved uses indirect means to achieve their goals. In the workplace, where resources are limited, individuals often have an incentive to achieve their goals at the expense of their colleagues. For example, if six people apply for one promotion, they might expect the selection to be made purely on merit. If one of the candidates were to believe that this would put them at a disadvantage, they may use other means of coercion or influence to put themselves into an advantageous position. When those who have fallen subject to the manipulation begin to talk to each other directly—or when other evidence comes to light such as financial results—the manipulator will have an explanation ready but will already be planning their exit, as they are driven to stay in control, not to face a revelation which would expose their behavior.
The aims of office politics or manipulation in the workplace are not always increased pay or a promotion. Often, the goal may simply be greater power or control for its own end; or to discredit a competitor. Office politics do not necessarily stem from purely selfish gains. They can be a route towards corporate benefits, which give a leg up to the company as a whole, not just an individual. "A 'manipulator' will often achieve career or personal goals by co-opting as many colleagues as possible into their plans." Despite the fact that the hidden agenda is a personal victory, allying with unsuspecting co-workers strengthens the manipulator's personal position and ensures that they will be the last person accused of wrongdoing.
Office politics is a major issue in business because the individuals who manipulate their working relationships consume time and resources for their own gain at the expense of the team or company.
In addition to this problem, the practice of office politics can have an even more serious effect on major business processes such as strategy formation, budget setting, performance management, and leadership. This occurs because when individuals are playing office politics, it interferes with the information flow of a company. Information can be distorted, misdirected, or suppressed, in order to manipulate a situation for short-term personal gain.
One way of analyzing office politics in more detail is to view it as a series of games. These games can be analyzed and described in terms of the type of game and the payoff. Interpersonal games are games that are played between peers (for example the game of "No Bad News" where individuals suppress negative information, and the payoff is not risking upsetting someone); leadership games are played between supervisor and employee (for example the game of "Divide and Conquer" where the supervisor sets his employees against each other, with the payoff that none threatens his power base); and budget games are played with the resources of an organization (for example the game of "Sandbagging" where individuals negotiate a low sales target, and the payoff is a bigger bonus)
Dealing with organizational politics
Organizational politics is itself similar to a game, one that requires an assumption of risks just like any contact sport. "It must be played with diligence and a full understanding of the landscape, players and rules." "The dynamics of the situation should always dictate a reexamination of the players and how they fit into the landscape." One must be careful relying on alliances made on previous circumstances; once the situation changes, alliances need to be reassessed. Building strong alliances will maximize the efficiency of the collective political radar and alert you before conflicts arise. In time of conflict, data-driven employees who rely on hard facts will have an easier time diffusing political conflicts. Always looking out for the best interests of your company is a certain way to insure that your motivation will remain unquestioned.
Politics arises when employees try to gain something which is beyond their control by tarnishing their colleague’s reputation. It has been observed that employees who are indulged in office politics pay less attention to their work. Individuals play politics at the workplace when they tend to misuse their power simply to come in the limelight and gain attention of the superiors as well as the management.
Nothing productive comes out of politics; instead it leads to criticism and negativity at the workplace.
Politics increases stress and also spoils the relationship amongst individuals.
Reasons for office Politics
§ People willing to come in the limelight without much effort depend on politics
There are certain individuals who attend office just for the sake of it and do not believe in working hard. Such individuals have no other option than to depend on nasty politics. They try their level best to create a negative image of their fellow workers just to come in the good books of the management.
Mike, Joe and Tim represented the branding team of a reputed organization. Mike and Joe gave their hundred percent at work while Tim believed in tarnishing their image in front of Jack - their superior. Jack had blind faith on Tim and trusted him completely. He never gave Mike and Joe their due credit and blamed them for every mistake. Tim on the other hand was promoted and appointed as the new team leader.
§ Personal Relationships
Personal relationships amongst employees can sometimes also lead to politics. Politics arises when individuals go all out to support their friends, relatives or neighbors at the workplace. One should never mix business with personal life. Your team member might be your best friend, but at work he needs to be treated just like others. No special favors should be granted to him.
§ Blame Games
One should always have a control on his tongue at the workplace. Speak relevant and don’t always find fault in others. Listen to what the other person has to say. Everyone’s opinion is important. One should learn to own his responsibilities.
§ Lack of Trust
It is essential to trust your colleagues. Your fellow worker might confide something in you, but that really does not mean you will walk up to your boss and disclose all his secrets. If you can’t help anyone, you have no rights to harm him even. One should remember that eventually it is trust and human relationships which help in the long run. Your colleague can even be your best friend. If one really has the potential, his efforts never go unnoticed. Remember there is no short cut to success.
§ Manipulations
Manipulating information to mislead superior also leads to politics at the workplace. One should pass on information in its desired form.
§ Gossips
Politics also arises when employees are indulged in unnecessary gossips. Leg pulling, criticism, backstabbing, hatred lead to politics. A jealous employee would never want his fellow workers to do well.
Asst.Vice President-Sales & Business Growth at CSC India (Contemporary Services Corporation an American Company)
7 年Very nice to read
Vice President | Director | CHRO | People & Culture Leader | Strategy | HR Technology | People Analytics | People Experience | Learning | Talent Management | HR 4.0 | Asia Pacific (APAC) | South Asia | UAE | Europe
7 年Amazing didactics. Lot of takeaways. Wide coverage. I read a lot about conflicts & politics at workplace, but this is unique, a social psychologist's point of view. "We could have thoughts or beliefs (cognitive) about people in general, and those thoughts or beliefs could manifest themselves in not trusting them (affective), and thus we would never want to develop a close relationship with them (conative/ behavioural/ psychomotor), and we finally land-up in office politics, or conflicts". Reading this article is an investment.
Critical Environment Specialist
7 年Fascinating article. Thank you
Head of Sales at Wowrack Cepat Teknologi Nusantara
7 年Thank you, nice article
Administration Manager | Contracts Specialist | Human Resource | Projects Management Coordination
7 年I've read your article with utmost interest, you have nailed it. No matter what subject you cover, you endeavor to inform the reader with dispassionate, objective analysis, while maintaining a good writing style and offering your own insight. Mr Humayun keep up the good work. The most absorbing part of your article was about your two identified addictions in a corporate politics - lust for power and greed for money!!!