Conflict is Normal - Part 3
Linda Vettrus-Nichols
Clarity Coach | Book in 30 Days Coach | Author x 24 | Relationship Marketing Coach | Vision Strategy Roadmap Coach | Podcast Host - FROM MY HEART TO YOURS
There’s a time to engage with conflict, and a time to avoid or even walk away. Some people can't handle conflict, so engaging with them is useless. Narcissists are about age 3 emotionally. They tend to instigate conflict because it creates the fuel they need. If you are confused, they feel smarter.
There are so many different kinds of conflict.?
Jenny Landgren : “Working with Conflict Resolution, what we find is that the most difficult conflict to work through is Value Conflict. Our values run deep and tend to not change throughout the course of our lives. My first Core Value is Unity. This is a very Process Oriented value. It has to do with relationships and communication. I can easily get into conflict with people who are Task Oriented. Their focus is results, to be efficient, and to move forward.?
I've found that we don't necessarily need to put a value to each value. They all serve a purpose.?
In a team and within an organization - we need both. We need people who are Process Oriented, who are into respecting, validating, and confirming. Those who can bring everyone to the table to connect.?
We also need the ones who keep us efficient and moving forward.?
If we were all Process Oriented, all we'd be doing is having Swedish fikas (coffee chats), because we'd enjoy the company of one another so much. If we were all only Task Oriented, then none of us would feel comfortable at work, because it would be all about the project.?
So realizing that there is a value to each value and there's a need for all of us on the team - is a massive help in working through conflicts.”
If you would like to know more about handling conflict, you won't want to miss this high vibe conversation
Find out how to spot the red and green flags when it comes to conflict.
For current High Vibe Conversations, view here by clicking the link below:?