Zakia George Ng'andu CLP, CMLoB-KE.
Customs, Supply Chain, Logistics, Transportation, Warehouse and Customer Service Professional
Well, I have prepared something for you; whereby you can read and gain a lot of knowledge, just take a few minutes to read and enjoy! Please feel free to comment on how you manage conflicts or anything regarding conflicts.
Conflict can be referred as a disagreement between people or groups. Conflicts can arise whenever individuals have dissimilarity in their interests, thought processes, requirements and unable to find a middle way. There are four levels of conflicts which are intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup and intragroup conflicts. Also, conflicts can be constructive or destructive conflicts (Shantnu Rana, n.d).
Organizational conflicts can be referred as the disagreements or misunderstanding between one, two or more people within the organization or with the other organization. Good management skills are used as the solutions to solve organizational conflicts which depends on the manager ability and technique which she or he can apply and use for the conflict’s resolutions or management.
In order to resolve conflicts or to manage conflicts; management needs to have managerial skills which rely on the ability or techniques to know the types of the conflicts, the levels of the conflicts, the factors or root causes of the conflict, the negative and positive effects of the conflicts, the number of approaches which can be used in the conflict’s resolutions or management and lastly the number of management strategies which can be initiated so as to mitigate negative conflicts.
Take an example from any company; you will see or notice that there are numerous conflicts which are happening between the Senior leaders, Managers and other subordinates whereby conflicts cause many of the reputable, experienced and other staffs to leave the company, staffs to be laid off, customers to stop needing the companies’ services and suppliers to stop supplying goods to the company.
For that case, the management needs firstly, to identify and assess on what are the types of the conflicts in their company which can be identified as follows.
Conflicts basing on goals: Within the company these conflicts are identified as personnel and groups of the people within the organisation tend to have different desires which are differently from the others this is when we see that some people have goals of benefiting the company, making sure that the company visions are demonstrated so as to have objectives which meets the company mission while receiving official benefits to themselves as individual while others have only single and mutual goal of benefiting themselves unofficially.
Conflicts basing on cognitive: Within the company these conflicts are identified as personnel and groups of the people within the organisation tend to present ideas and opinions which are not compatible with the others. This happens a lot of time in many companies as low-level staffs tend to present their ideas and opinions to the management for the company’s development while the management have other ideas and choose to implement theirs rather than choosing even some from those presented by juniors.
Conflicts basing on affective: Within the company these conflicts are identified as personnel and groups of the people within the organisation tend have feelings, emotions and attitudes which are not compatible with the others. In some of the companies you will see that Senior managers and Leaders are not getting along with the lower-level subordinates.
Conflicts basing on behaviour: Within any company these conflicts are identified as personnel and groups of the people within the organisation tend to have some behaviours which are not acceptable with the others. You can notice when there is the situation of people giving out rude language towards each other’s, when workers strike frequently or some of them having a tendency of offending and bullying others within the working environment.
For that case, the management needs secondly, to identify and assess on what are the levels of the conflicts which are as follows.
Conflicts which are intrapersonal: This is the type of the conflict which is said to be between personnel him or herself. In some of the companies, you can see that staffs are developing intrapersonal conflicts through fear of the recruitment processes which are done randomly and fear that may be their position may be taken by the new employee even others fear that they may lose their job due to the ongoing lay off or redundancies.
Conflicts which are interpersonal: This is the type of the conflict which is said to be between two personnel, one person with his or her colleague. In some of the companies, you can see that staffs have developed interpersonal conflicts whereby they scramble on duties and responsibilities to be performed every day. This can happen when there is no clear structure of the organisation as a whole and no proper distribution of the role and responsibilities and when people do not know what are their exactly position, or who report to who.
Conflicts which are intergroup: This is the type of the conflict which is said to be between the two particular groups, these groups are the ones which shares the resources. In some of the companies, you can see that there is a conflict between department A and department B. This can happen when there is no mutual understanding between the two departments, no cooperation, collaboration or teamwork, no clear communication and presence of stiff competition between the two departments. Also, when departments tend to blame one another on failed operations or situations of losing clients.
Conflicts which are interorganizational: This is the type of the conflict which is said to be between the two particular organisations or companies. You can see conflicts between companies and their customers due to late deliveries and poor customer service. Also, conflict between company and its suppliers due to low quality of goods or services and late payments.
For that case, the management needs thirdly, to identify and assess on what are the factors or root causes of those conflicts which are as follows.
Unavailability of good communication and flow of information: When employees lack good communication skills and when managers are not able to clearly give out necessary information and share expected outcomes to their subordinates so as they can perform their duties well; obviously, junior officers may have misinterpretations of the given information from their managers whereby all of these lead to the working place conflicts.
Presence of lack of corporation, collaboration and teamwork: When employees do not have corporation as they do not cooperate or collaborate at all in their daily duties and do not have the sense of teamwork; can cause conflicts. That can happen when they lose self-confidence as they tend to see that if someone will know my job and how it is done hence, I will not be seen as important, and I will lose my job due to the lack of work security.
Presence of false assumptions: Some of the employees may not have good assumptions as whenever they see a new employee they see as if he or she have come to take their job or position, they do not like to take annual leave at al due to fear and unsecured job.
Presence of cultural and personality differences: Some companies prefer to have or on-board different type of the people in terms of different races and gender from all around the World hence due to the situation of them being raised and grown into different culture background; employees will obviously have different values, different priorities and working styles hence influence the presence of conflict.
Presence of unclear organisation structure and roles: When the company does not have organisation structure as a whole, and when its departments do not have structures and do not show clearly on who is supposed to do what and who is not also it do not show who are at the top to manage each of its departments and who report who. Normally that influences the scramble for the duties which will cause unofficial situations to happen and for the work to be done by the un professionals and unexperienced ones which later will cause conflicts due to the presence of unfinished works and unsuccessful operations.
Presence of undefined goals, expectations and competition: The so-called managers of some of the companies tend make their subordinates be in a confused and with frustrations on what is supposed to be done, what are the criteria’s which will make them successful since whenever they are doing something they are not being given good feedback even sometimes they are seems to be doing it differently. Normally, Companies like that seem to have no clear strategies, no clear SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and no settlement of the targets and feedback.
Presence of scarce resources: A company that does not have plenty of resources to facilitate its daily operations normally will cause conflicts since there will always be presence of the unfinished work and unsuccessful operations which will influence conflicts between management and their subordinates since they will be blaming on each other.
For that case, the management needs fourthly, to know that conflicts can have negative and positive effects though for the case of many of the companies there are a lot of the negative effects. Both negative and positive effects are identified as follows.
Positive effects.
Conflict can influence better decision making: When conflict is well managed, it initiates having better decision making whereby through collaboration of all of the people in decision making and all of the people agree in deciding matters within the departments and hence influence the positive impact in the decision making.
Conflict can help to have diverse ideas: When the company have people from the different background, this will help the company to have diverse of the ideas since they have a lot of knowledge and can look into one thing differently and will not be hanging in the same assumption, though since they have different background conflicts will happen in one way or another therefore manager can overcome this through different ways of conflicts resolutions.
Conflict can help to have team harmony: When people in the group have different ideas and contribute in a given task within an organisation can cause conflicts but when employees are engaged and motivated to collaborate together, solve their conflicts and have the same spirit of doing tasks then this increase team harmony hence the winning teams since the manager will insures that all of the people’s efforts and ideas are coordinated and pulled together by giving them visions and motivate them to perform beyond their capability.?
Conflict can influence better individual performance and job satisfaction: Conflict management and resolutions will increase the positive desire of each person in a department or company to think positive and come up with new ideas while ensuring that they contribute something positive in the company so as they can be noticed and appreciated by the team members hence the job satisfaction.
Conflict can increase customer satisfaction: This is when employees are collaborating and cooperating positively towards the company’s operation activities while solving customers complaints and respond to their inquiries on time with passion and making sure that new ideas of development and innovations are given out by them so as they can be notice and appreciated in the sense of bringing high productivity which bring out the best products or services which satisfy customers and hence profits to the company.
Negative effects.
Conflict can cause mental concerns: When conflicts are note managed well and resolved can cause stress and depression to people. People can be affected in their mental health, and this is when they receive negative comments from the team members or negative feedback from the toxic leaders.
Conflict can cause violence: When conflicts are note managed well and resolved can cause disputes, fights, strike and various violence among team members which this will influence many loses and affect the company.
Conflict can cause decrease in customer satisfaction: When conflicts are note managed well and resolved can cause people to compete negatively without collaborating positive in? operation activities, solving customers complaints and respond to their inquiries on time with passion and making sure that new ideas of development and innovations are given out by them so as they can bring high productivity and hence poor customer service, decrease in production level, customer satisfaction and profits to the company.
Conflict can cause job dissatisfaction: Employees expect that when there is any conflict within the team to be resolved as soon as possible by the management but when the management does not manage and resolve conflicts well and leave negative working environment and manager who does not appreciate or recognise their work this leaves the employee with the situation of being not committed in their work, losing motivation to do their work and hence job dissatisfaction.
Conflict can cause absent-mindedness: When conflicts are note managed well and resolved can cause employees to lose attention in their given duties, to focus in conflicts and to be distracted with the conflicts instead on focusing with their duties and responsibilities now it will be vice versa which is not good for the company.
Conflict can cause the company to lose highly experienced professional employees: In some of the companies many of their highly experienced professional employees choose to leave the company since they are not happy with the working environment at all, there are a lot of the negative and toxic leaders also their neither appreciated nor motivated.
Conflict can cause the company to lose potential customers: Some companies are losing potential customers due poor customer service and low customer satisfaction that is when their complaints are neither listened nor receipt of feedback from them inquires due to unclear roles and presence of a lot of unskilled labourers.
Conflict can cause the company to lose potential suppliers: When the company is not handling well its suppliers and when payments are not done on time hence the company may lose their potential reliable suppliers.
For that case, the management needs fifthly, to know on management strategies which can be applied to mitigate the risk of negative or destructive conflicts since conflicts cannot be prevented, which are explained as follows.
Management must be able to establish good communication and flow of information: This is through making sure that each day there is a good flow of information through morning meetings, emails, WhatsApp groups and even in telegram groups that is by providing on the needed information on what is going on, what is supposed to be done and solutions to each presented problem.
Management must set goals and be transparently on the expectations performance: Through the written documents management must be very clear on what are the goals of the company, what are the goals for each department, what are the companies objectives and what are the expectations of the company, what the company expect to be done by each department and employees also the management can present and showcase performance appraisals and what can be expected by the employees who will do better than the others.
Management can set motivation strategies: When management take an action to reward an employee monetary or non-monetary which can be an increase in his or her salary, providing a trip tour, giving out performance certificates and paying for the education fees; all of these can make others to notice what you have done and rather focusing on the destructive conflicts now employees will be focusing on productive activities and be attentive to their duties since they will hope in the future they will be the one to be appraised or be rewarded.
Management must set activities which are building the team: This is through helping your employees to know and understand each other’s within the working place so as to increase collaboration. For example, setting a match between departments within the organisation or preparing a dinner gala for all of the company’s members.
Management must make sure that there is clear organisation structure and roles: This is through by making sure that the organisation has the clear organisation structure as a whole which is showcasing ranks and positions, also its departments must have structure and show clearly on who is supposed to do what and who is not also it show who is reporting to who and, show who are at the top to manage each of its departments.
Management must make sure that there is fairly provision of the required operation resources to the employees: Resources like computers, safety equipment (PPE), operation’s fund and other working tools must be provided to each employee equally accordingly to their daily jobs so as to enhance equality and increase the level of work done.
Management must set rule and regulations which will be holding employees in accountability: Management must be ensuring that every employee at work is very careful on their actions. Making sure that employees know when she or he will do some kind of action, what will be the consequences or the problem he or she is entering to and what actions will be taken by the management. This will help employees to know their mistakes and choose to be better people in the future.
Management must be very conscious on their actions and what they will bring out: This is when they interact with their employees to be aware and focusing on how personnel will perceive what you are presenting to them. Even if you are a manager or senior leader, you must be very understandable on the appropriateness of behaviours within the working arena. Sometimes you might give out just a simple joke to someone and yet they will take it differently and feel like you have offended them.
For that case, the management needs sixthly, to know on what the conflict management is, when to intervene the conflict and what are the conflict resolutions or management approaches which are explained as follows.
Conflict management can be referred as the process of reducing the negative of conflicts and increasing positive effect of conflicts (Shantnu Rana, n.d).
Managers must know that it can be very tempting to get involved in a conflict or dispute though knowing on when to intervene in a conflict is the first step of managing conflict. Managers must know that to intervene in a conflict timing is very crucial. Managers must ask themselves the five W’s questions of the conflict intervention which are when to intervene, why to intervene, where to intervene, what to intervene and who to intervene. Managers must be aware that they are supposed to and must intervene the conflict if the workplace is being disrupted, if the productivity is being affected and if there is any threat that is being posed to employees.
Managers must know that there are five approaches of conflict management which are discussed as per below; Through basing on the below approach managers can resolve conflicts.
Collaboration or collaborating the conflict: This is an approach whereby both of the parties work together so as to create a collaborative solution. This is a I win, and you win approach. This is the situation whereby one of the parts and the other part feels like they have both win the situation. Both of the parties’ view conflicts as problems are needed to have a solution and seeking a solution that achieve both of the parties’ goal and the goal of the other people. This approach has advantages such as (it leads to a win-to-win outcome, it builds mutual trust and respects, and it leads to solving the root of the problem) also this approach has disadvantages such as (it requires more efforts and time than any other approach and it requires a commitment from all parties).
Compromise or compromising the conflict: This is an approach whereby both of the parties make some concessions. This is a both win some and lose some approach.?Here, one of the parts will compromise some factors so as to win and the other part will do the same while at the end both of the parties will win some and lose some. Parties give up parts of their goals and persuading the other people in a conflict to give up parts of their goals. They seek a conflict solution in which both sides gain and lose something. This approach has advantages such as (it is the fast approach to resolve conflict, and it lowers the stress level in both parties) also this approach has disadvantages such as (it may cause dissatisfaction to both the parties, and it is not a very good solution for long term).
Competition or competing the conflict: This is an approach whereby one party uses force to resolve the dispute. This is a I win, and you lose approach. This is the situation whereby one of the parts feels like they have won the situation while the others have lost the situation. The part which is supposed to win forces the other part in the situation until they see they have won the situation while the other part will lose the situation. Part seeks to achieve their goal at all costs. Both of the parties will not be concerned with the need of others and will not care if the other part likes or accepts them. This approach has an advantage which is (it can provide very fast resolution to any conflict) also this approach has disadvantages such as (it affects the relationship negatively with the opponent party and it can be very stressful and exhausting).
Accommodation or accommodating the conflict: This is an approach whereby one-party consents as a gesture of good will. This is a I loose and you win approach. Here, one of the parts as a good gesture will be okay for you to win the situation and will let you win while they lose the situation. One of the parts give up their goals and relationships, they stay away from the issues over which the conflict is taking place and from the persons they are in conflict with. This approach has advantages which are (it requires very less efforts and it gives a chance to both of the parties to evaluate the situation again) also this approach has a disadvantage which is (it affects the self-esteem of one party very negatively).
Avoidance or avoiding?the conflict: This is an approach whereby either party avoid the issue. This is the lose-to-lose approach. This is a situation whereby both of the parties avoid the conflict or a problem and, in the future, it is going to erupt as a conflict or a big problem, hence both of the parties are going to lose the situation. Both of the parties, give up on their goal and the relationship, parties stay away from the issue over which the conflict takes place and from the people, whom they are in conflicts with. This approach has advantages which are (it lows stress and very quick approach and it gives you time to analyse the situation and collect more information before you act) also this approach has disadvantages such as (it can affect relationship negatively when the other party expects action, and it is a limited approach to short conflict).
Things to note when managing conflicts:
Managers must note that every conflict is unique, so there is no one size fits approach to handling them all. There are several aspects that can determine which strategy is ideal for settling conflict. Before picking which approach to use managers must think all of the approach. Managers must look on the situations like projects going on and coming up or deliveries which must be completed so when the conflict is small and when it’s just between the two staff members then the manager can just ignore it or avoid it for some time and once the project is done and the deliveries are done then the manager can go back to the situation then analyse it and go forward to resolve it so it is completely depend on the situation you are in and the people who are involved in the conflict. It depends to a lot of the factors which determine which approach will be the best to resolve the conflict or dispute at the particular time (Shantnu Rana, n.d).
Managers must know that the best scenario is obviously a I win, and you win situation. Though this approach can be the most difficult to achieve since it is the very complex one in nature. In this approach managers will listen to both parties, analyse the data which have been provided by both of the parties and then guide both of the parties to the collaborative solution (Shantnu Rana, n.d).
Managers must know that the best effective ways to reduce destructive conflicts when they have happened is by communicating with the parties involved in a conflict, stop avoiding the conflict, setting a formal complaint process, creating an environment that promotes collaboration to the two parties, ensuring everyone is treated fairly between the two parties, listening them so as to understand and setting clear expectations from them (Shantnu Rana, n.d).
Conclusively, Conflicts can bring positive or negative contributions in an organisation. Conflicts are not bad within the organisation since they can have positive impacts in the organisation, the approach which is undertaken to resolve the conflict in an organisation is the one which can be very bad. Managers must be aware that conflict is inevitable, though it does not necessarily to be destructive. Managers must know that the problem is not that the conflict exist, but the problem is on how they choose to handle them. When conflicts are approached positively hence, they promote diverse ideas.
Also, manager must know tips, tricks of conflict resolution such (using statement of ‘yes’ and seeking to understand before being understood, focusing on the issues at hand and not on personalities or past disputes, maintaining a calm tone and showing a willingness to collaborate) then manager must have key skills of conflict resolution such as active listening, open to communicate, patience and empathy.
Shantnu Rana (n.d). Conflict Management. Teaching Notes at Great Academy of India. Retrieved from? ?on 25.05.2023.
Anissa Indriati Debyanto (2020). 5 Ways You Can Better Manage Conflict At Work. Ruangguru. Retrieved from on 19.12.2023.
Shipping & Port Logistics Specialist | NIT Alumni | Assistant Operations Officer | Seafront Shipping Services Company Limited
1 年Sharing is Caring Thank you Zakia George Ng'andu CLP, CMLoB-KE. This will oncrease awareness concerning approaches to be used in conflict management.
Personal Mentor, Influencer and Life Coach at Unstoppable Rich One (URO) Groups of Company
1 年Very useful, thanks for sharing it.
Operation Manager | Operations | Business Consultant | ISO & IMS Lead Auditor
1 年Love this
Operation Manager | Operations | Business Consultant | ISO & IMS Lead Auditor
1 年Well explained