Conflict Before The Wedding
As Wedding Season Approaches, Some Expert Tips on How to Manage Conflict

Conflict Before The Wedding As Wedding Season Approaches, Some Expert Tips on How to Manage Conflict

Following on from Sharon’s appearance on Ireland AM on Saturday

Virgin?Media?One @ 15-Apr-2023 11:33 - (Sharon),

Sharon is hosting a FREE WEBINAR on some of the questions/queries that have resonated with couples and families since her appearance on the 25th of April @ 19.00pm

For booking:

The webinar is open to everyone, couples, individuals, parents, and blended families, however, your space needs to be pre-booked.

1.??Your privacy is of paramount importance so that you are free to ask specific questions and have them answered comfortably.

2.??If you have questions/queries on specific topics, that you may not feel comfortable asking in the session, email them and Sharon will address them during the webinar itself (keeping all identifiable features out)

3.??Should you and your partner wish to book a private session with Sharon Morrissey Mediation and Conflict Management Expert after attending the webinar, some spaces will be allocated for this.

4.??These spaces will strictly be on a first come/first served basis, as Sharon and her realistic approach to conflict management are in high demand.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 25th April at 19.00 pm.??The closing date for bookings is Sunday 23rd April.

A cancellation list will be put in place depending on the numbers.

For booking

Virgin?Media?One @ 15-Apr-2023 11:33 - (Sharon)

When we think about the “happiest day of our lives”, which is generally considered to be our Wedding Day we rarely think about conflict causing havoc in the run-up to the event which can have long-lasting and negative connotations.?

We tend to conjure up lovely images of a beautiful ceremony, the venue, fabulous fashion, bridesmaids, best men, page boys, flower girls, the personalised vows of adoration and dreams for the future, food, fun, dancing, and laughter, surrounded by friends and family.

It’s all dreamy and romantic.

However, the reality can often be so different.

But how could?the Wedding Day- marrying the love of your life, looking amazing, with all your family and friends with you be a flashpoint for conflict?

Mediation expert and Lecturer on conflict management, Sharon Morrissey of Conflict Clarity, an accredited and professional private mediation practice, says huge life events such as weddings can cause huge conflict as we have heightened emotions, expectations, and pressures which can lead to huge stress and blowouts.

She says “It is true to say that the events which are most precious to us and which we most look forward to can sadly cause huge pressure--- we are quite tense and determined that everything will be ‘perfect’ and mix families, expectations, family rifts, petty resentments, settling ‘scores’ perhaps, stress around money, altogether and it’s literally like a pressure cooker ..something has to blow”.?

“It’s such a shame as the majority of issues that cause so much strife and stress are really quite trivial, but they are allowed to blight such a joyful occasion and sadly it is these issues that people will look back on and remember”.??

“I’m a firm believer in clarity ..people are not mind readers and people feel safe around clear, direct people ..if you don’t want your Mother’s third and fourth cousins at your Wedding, say it, loud and clear …it is your day and don’t be railroaded into having people at your wedding that you don’t want, you may not even know them !. If you go against yourself, you will feel worse, huge internal conflict is a recipe for further conflict with everybody else, as it makes you feel so bad, and on and on it goes, round and round. It is like being put on a fast spin in a washing machine, not good “.


“Conflict is not necessarily bad in itself but how we manage it makes the difference. Dealing with it calmy and comprehensively takes a lot of the ‘heat ‘out of a potentially ‘flammable situation’ and everybody feels much better in the long run as they know where they stand, and the air has been cleared. Miscommunication is one of the biggest causes of conflict and this is so easily avoidable”.


[email protected]


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