Configuring the same application across Tenants
Solution 1:? If we have all clients in the same realm, the same client is shared across the tenants.
The tenants are managed using user attributes. Add user attribute “TenantId” which will be a multi-valued string.
Value can be provided for each user.
In client scopes, we can add a mapper for this attribute and set scope as default, to be added in token scope
Then for each client, we can add this to the client scope
Then this value would be added to each user token.
We can add it in a default scope:
Then we can view it in the access token
Same Clients in different Realms/ Tenants:
We can create a client in a realm and use the same config in other realms/ Tenant config.
In order to set the client credentials to be same across the realms, we can call the create client api and pass the secret. That too works well.