Configuring ProxyChains In Kali Linux

Configuring ProxyChains In Kali Linux

How to Setup PROXYCHAINS in Kali-Linux by Terminal

proxychains?is open source software for?Linux?systems and comes pre-installed with?Kali Linux, the tool redirects TCP connections through proxies like TOR, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, and HTTP (S) and it allows us to chain proxy servers. With?proxychains,?we can hide the IP address of the source traffic and evade IDS and firewalls.

To setup proxychains you will first need the tor service, most of the time the service is preinstalled. To check if there is tor service available or not just use this command.

First Switch to?ROOT?user

sudo -i        

Type your password and enter, Now you’re in Root user. so type,

root@kali:~# service tor satus        

If you get this output that means?TOR?is not installed in your system and not running,

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For installing TOR,

root@kali:~# apt-get install tor        
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We had already installed tor service before so there will be a difference in execution. If you get any error while doing this then do update && upgrade and reboot, and do again.

If TOR Successfully installs then, Start TOR service.

root@kali:~# service tor start        

Now to check the TOR service status.

root@kali:~# service tor status        

ctrl +c for cancel.

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Configure proxychains

After installing tor service now we need to configure proxychains. To do so use the following command.

Note: you must in ROOT user. if you do not then switch to Root.

root@kali:~# nano /etc/proxychains.conf        

You see this type of file in the terminal.?you will see “#” which means bash language comments.?if there is no “#” hash that means it defaults running. or if we remove “#” hash that means we want to run this.?You can use arrow keys to scroll down & up and read file content and do the following changes as you need.

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As you see in this there are three types of proxychains:?1)dynamic 2)strict 3)random

we’re going to use dynamic chain,

  1. Remove?Dynamic chain?from comment
  2. comment?Strict chain?and?Random chain

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  1. Remove?proxy DNS?from comment
  2. Also, Remove?Proxy DNS requests — no leak for DNS data?from comment

Tips: here removing proxy DNS and no leak for DNS data, helps you to fully anonymous.

3. Now, write?socks5 9050?in the last line of the proxy list.

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Now just write save by?ctrl+o?and?enter?and for exit the file?ctrl+X,?now exit the terminal.The proxychains setup is completed.

Tips: Here,?SOCKS?is an internet protocol that routes packets between a server and a client using a?proxy?server. and socks4 and socks5 is the type of socks.

127.0.?0.1?is the loopback Internet protocol (IP)?address?also referred to as the localhost.

9050?is port number and By default, Tor listens on this port for socks proxy.

Now Restart your machine,

To start proxychains first restart the tor service and then launch proxychains in firefox with a link for a particular search engine like bing, duckduckgo. Use the following commands:

root@kali:~# service tor restart        


root@kali:~# proxychains firefox        

After running the following commands firefox will launch and? load. When you run the command you must not get any error and bing should get loaded. Also please close all firefox tabs before executing the commands.

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You can see that after executing the proxychains?bing?loaded with some other language. Now let’s do a DNS leak test by searching DNS leak test and open any website providing the same.

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