Configuring NagiosXI "World Map" coordinates using templates and host-groups.

Configuring NagiosXI "World Map" coordinates using templates and host-groups.

One cool component of NagiosXI is the World Map. With this feature you can set latitude and longitudinal coordinates for both host and service objects to have a visual representation of the current state on displayed on a global environment background.

NagiosXI2024R1.2 World Map component landing page, initial pop-up modal.
Credit: Nagios Enterprises NagiosXI2024R1.2 World Map

The configuration is very straightforward albeit a little cumbersome if you're tackling this from the individual object level.

One way I have found to ease management of the latitude and longitude bit is with the use of host templates applied to the Nagios host-groups instead of being applied at the host level.

The configuration is only slightly different;

  • Create a hostgroup (location group) named appropriately to store your hosts.

  • Create a host template with the coordinates that should be applied to the hosts in the notes field. Be sure to follow the formatting guidance from Nagios.

  • Assign the template to the NagiosXI location group.

  • Add your hosts to the hostgroup via the host object or hostgroup configuration method.

  • Apply Configuration Changes

That is all there is to it!

  1. All present and future host-group members will inherit the templates coordinates auto-magically.
  2. To change the location edit the template applied to the location group.
  3. To remove an object from visual display, simply remove the object from location group.

Much more can be done with utilizing templates and host-groups to lessen the toil associated in management of a NagiosXI instance.

--Happy Monitoring!


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