Configuring Hadoop(NN/DN) via Ansible

Configuring Hadoop(NN/DN) via Ansible

Before getting hands on into any practical implementation its always good to know the terminologies.......

What is Apache Hadoop ?

* Hadoop is a tool made by Apache community to solve big data problems by making use of RAM/CPU from different computers who acts as datanodes and working under the master computer namenode.

*Datanodes facilitate namenode with a particular amount of storage and contribute their storage by sharing them over a network .

*Several Problems like Velocity, Volume and Veracity can be solved by making use of a big data handling tool.

What is Ansible ?

*Ansible is a DevOps tool made by RedHat and using which, we can configure most of configuration that we will ever need into a networking device . It is very important to note that Ansible is only meant for configuration , although it can perform other tasks like provisioning an OS but this feature is introduced only for automating configuration not launch the OS.

*Ansible is a great management tool which works on push mechanisms which Means we don't need any agent to be setup on the behalf of working of Ansible.

*Ansible uses a declarative approach , it means we just have to tell ansible what to do, and how to do is taken care by the smart modules that ansible uses

*Ansible also provides idempotency

Idempotency means ansible doesn't run a code continuous as much as we trigger, first it goes to the slave node, check the state of system and then at last it decides whether to rerun or state achieved.

Why we need Ansible Here ?

The use of Ansible in configuration of Hadoop Cluster is to achieve automation especially for Hadoop being utilized in bigger environments.

Thus a lot of manual task which many a times also leads to errors can be overcome by utilizing automation scripts.

Therefore , considering that the reader have a slight knowledge of both Ansible and Hadoop let's see the Ansible playbook


*It is assumed that you want to setup your Hadoop cluster with a basic property of and for both name node and datanode.

*The variables nndir , nnport , dndir, dnport can be changed accordingly.

*The folder named file consists of template that is used for copying the basic layout for files hdfs-site.xml and core-site.xml .

*The playbook is intended for RedHat 8 Linux, maybe utilized in different environments after manipulation.

- hosts: namenode
          nndir: "/nn"
          nnport: 9001
          - name: Making folder for Redhat DVD
                    path: /dvd
                    state: directory
                    #mode: 0755
          - name: Mounting Redhat DVD
                    src: /dev/cdrom
                    path: /dvd
                    fstype: iso9660
                    state: present
          - name: Making Repository for Redhat Disk AppStream
                    name: App1
                    description: "Redhat DVD App List 1"
                    baseurl: "file:///dvd/AppStream"
                    file: redhatdvd
                    gpgcheck: no
          - name: Making Repository for Redhat Disk BaseOS
                    name: App2
                    description: "Redhat DVD App List 2"
                    baseurl: "file:///dvd/BaseOS"           
                    file: redhatdvd
                    gpgcheck: no
          - name: Installing wget if not Available
                    name: wget
                    state: present
          - name: Installing Java JDK 
                    name: jdk
                    state: present
          - name: Downloading Hadoop Software
            command: "wget -c"
          - name: Installing Hadoop Software
            command: "rpm -i --force hadoop-1.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm "
          - name: Deleting preexisting folder for NameNode if present
                    path: "{{ nndir }}"
                    state: absent

          - name: Making folder for NameNode
                    path: "{{ nndir }}"
                    state: directory

          - name: Copying hdfs-site.xml file from Controller Node
                    src: files/hdfs-site.xml
                    dest: /etc/hadoop/
          - name: Copying core-site.xml file from Controller Node
                    src: files/core-site.xml
                    dest: /etc/hadoop/ 
          - name: Adding property
            shell: |
                    echo '<configuration>
                    <value>{{ nndir }}</value>
                    </configuration>' >> /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml
          - name: Adding property
            shell: |
                    echo '<configuration>
                    <value>hdfs://{{ ansible_facts['default_ipv4']['address'] }}:{{ nnport }}</value>
                    </configuration>' >> /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml 
          - name: Checking process running 
            command: "pidof /usr/java/default/bin/java"
            register: x
            failed_when: false
            ignore_errors: yes

          - name: Checking NameNode process if running already
            shell: "kill `pidof /usr/java/default/bin/java`"
            when: x.rc == 0 
          - name: Formatting the namenode directory
            shell: "echo 'Y' | hadoop namenode -format"

          - name: Starting Namenode

            command: " start namenode"

One of importance step in the above tasks is Checking Running java process which maybe due to preinstalled Hadoop Software .Also its been used for making our setup idempotent in nature.

- hosts: datanodes
          dndir: "/dn"
          nnip: "{{ groups.namenode[0] }}"
          nnport: 9001
          - name: Making folder for Redhat DVD
                    path: /dvd
                    state: directory
          - name: Mounting Redhat DVD
                    src: /dev/cdrom
                    path: /dvd
                    fstype: iso9660
                    state: present
          - name: Making Repository for Redhat Disk AppStream           
                    name: App1       
                    description: "Redhat DVD App List 1"
                    baseurl: "file:///dvd/AppStream"
                    file: redhatdvd
                    gpgcheck: no
          - name: Making Repository for Redhat Disk BaseOS
                    name: App2
                    description: "Redhat DVD App List 2"
                    baseurl: "file:///dvd/BaseOS"
                    file: redhatdvd
                    gpgcheck: no
          - name: Installing wget if not Available
                    name: wget
                    state: present
          - name: Installing Java JDK
                    name: jdk
                    state: present
          - name: Downloading Hadoop Software
            command: "wget -c"
          - name: Installing Hadoop Software
            command: "rpm -i --force hadoop-1.2.1-1.x86_64.rpm "
          - name: Deleting preexisting folder for DataNode if present
                    path: "{{ dndir }}"
                    state: absent
          - name: Making folder for DataNode
                    path: "{{ dndir }}"
                    state: directory
          - name: Copying hdfs-site.xml file from Controller Node
                    src: files/hdfs-site.xml
                    dest: /etc/hadoop/
          - name: Copying core-site.xml file from Controller Node
                    src: files/core-site.xml
                    dest: /etc/hadoop/ 
          - name: Adding property
            shell: |
                    echo '<configuration>
                    <value>{{ dndir }}</value>
                    </configuration>' >> /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml
          - name: Adding property
            shell: |
                    echo '<configuration>
                    <value>hdfs://{{ nnip }}:{{ nnport }}</value>
                    </configuration>' >> /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml 
          - name: Checking DataNode process if running already
            shell: "pidof /usr/java/default/bin/java"
            register: x
            failed_when: false
            ignore_errors: yes

          - name: Killing running previously process                     
            shell: "kill `pidof /usr/java/default/bin/java`"
            when: x.rc == 0

          - name: Starting DataNode
            command: " start datanode"

Time to apply the playbook

For running the playbook , first we have to make an inventory file and put the IPs of namenode and datanodes into the respective groups

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*Note: It is not recommended to use root user

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Its always good practice to check connection to managed nodes before running ansible commands and so finally lets run our playbook

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The below snap shows the running playbook

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Finally ? ,We can use the Hadoop health site to see the connected nodes as well as the last contact time .

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So that's the start after so many days getting back to work and so let us continue and keep on learning day by day ??.

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