Configure Windows Server Core using PowerShell after installation

Configure Windows Server Core using PowerShell after installation

Today, I want to share with you how to configure Windows Server Core, with simple commands on powershell, 

To do it, you have just to follow those steps :

0- First, you have to go into PowerShell mode,


1- Install VMware Tools : (If the server is Virtual Machine on VMware)





2- Configure Network Interface :

#Get-NetAdapter (Get the basic properties of network adapters and also the InterfaceIndex)

#New-NetIPAddress –InterfaceIndex 12 –IPAddress –PrefixLength 24 –DefaultGateway

3- Allow machine to accept ping :

#Netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=” – Autoriser Ping” protocol=icmpv4 dir=in action=allow

4- Configure DNS :

#Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12 -ServerAddresses″

To show the DNS configuration:

#Get-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceIndex 12

5- Remane Server :

#Rename-Computer -NewName “Server044” -DomainCredential\Admin01 -Restart

6- Integrate the server into Active Directory :

#Add-Computer -DomainName -Credential [email protected]

#Restart ! # Shutdown /r /t 2

Those last years, Windows Server Core is more and more used in production plateform, specially for security reasons

I hope this article could be useful and for someones the first step to enter PowerShell world.

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