Configure Pandadoc Into your Salesforce
Pandadoc has a wide range of features that can be used to improve the efficiency of a business process. It also integrates with Salesforce, allowing user to send documents directly to clients from Salesforce.
Pandadoc not only allows users to customize documents, but it also allows user?to set?variables that will automatically?enter dynamic values from salesforce, such as products and their quantities. User can also include additional fields from opportunity and from?any other object (Standard or Custom)
The primary function of Pandadoc is to eliminate the use of quotes or contract objects. The user will also be able to track quotes, such as when they were viewed by the customer or when they were signed.
Pandadoc includes some standard triggers that update the stages, send notifications, and save contract pdf files, among other things. The user can simply enable these triggers by checking the box and setting the criteria.
Pandadoc also supports e-signing and allows users to make changes to any data, whether static or variable.
Pandadoc is extremely useful for businesses that send contracts to customers on a regular basis.
I. How to configure Pandadoc into Salesforce?
6. ?Select Connect to Production/Sandbox
7.??A pop-up window will open enter salesforce’s username and password
II. How to Configure Pandadoc Tokens?
Pandadoc tokens are nothing but variables to match with salesforce fields
I.??How to set Pandadoc standard triggers?
Go back to the previous page, Scroll down to “Document Trigger Settings”. In this example we will use “Change Opportunity Status Trigger” change which will help user to change stage of opportunity when the document is viewed by the customer
II. How to set variables in a Pandadoc document?
4. Save the template
Pandadoc integration with Salesforce allows user to send documents directly to customers while keeping data on file for future reference.?