Config TypeScript and Jest + prettier
Mohammad Jawad barati
Software Engineer | Fullstack Engineer | Microservices | TS/JS | Python | IaC | AWS | TDD | BDD | Automation | CI/CD
First, you need to install typescript package as a dev dependency
npm i -D typescript
Then install definitely type packages:
npm i -D @types/node
Now you have to generate `tsconfig.json` file with `npx tsc --init` command. Now you can change the ts configs in the generated `tsconfig.json` file. If you're gonna use `nodemon` in development mode we need to install extra 3rd party dev dependency packages:
npm i -D ts-node rimraf nodemon
then create a nodemon.js file and write these configurations in it:
? "watch": ["src"],
? "ext": ".ts,.js",
? "ignore": [],
? "exec": "ts-node ./src/index.ts"
Add this line in the scripts:
Generate tsconfig.json with this command:
npx tsc --init
And then update the tsconfig.json file as i did in this picture:
? ? "compilerOptions": {
? ? ? ? "target": "es5",
? ? ? ? "module": "commonjs",
? ? ? ? "rootDir": "./src",
? ? ? ? "resolveJsonModule": true,
? ? ? ? "outDir": "./dist",
? ? ? ? "esModuleInterop": true,
? ? ? ? "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
? ? ? ? "strict": true,
? ? ? ? "skipLibCheck": true,
"types": [
? ? "./global",
? ? "jest"
Jest in Typescript world
you can read their doc for more info:
But here i will make it a little easier to confige it, First you need babel (I think you have the jest already as a dev dependency):
npm i -D babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-typescript?jest ts-jest @types/jest
Then you need to configure your babel compiler, so we will create babel.config.js file at the root of our project and write this configurations in it:
module.exports = {
? ? presets: [
? ? ? ? ['@babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: 'current' } }],
? ? '@babel/preset-typescript',
? ? ],
Then generate the jest.config.js file by running this command:
npx ts-jest config:init
Now create test directory at the root of the project and write your test scripts. You can also write your own custom expect functions. To do that you need to implement it first:
? ? toBeArray(receivedArray: number[], expectedArray: number[]) {
? ? ? ? if (receivedArray.length !== expectedArray.length) {
? ? ? ? ? ? throw new Error("wrong_length");
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? for (let tempNumber of expectedArray) {
? ? ? ? ? ? if (typeof tempNumber !== 'number') {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? throw new Error(
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "passed_parameter_should_be_number"
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? );
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? for (let tempNumber of receivedArray) {
? ? ? ? ? ? if (typeof tempNumber !== 'number') {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? throw new Error(
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "passed_parameter_should_be_number",
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? );
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? for (let i = 0; i < expectedArray.length; i++) {
? ? ? ? ? ? if (receivedArray[i] !== expectedArray[i]) {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? pass: false,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? message: () =>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? `Received array (${receivedArray}) is expected array (${expectedArray})`,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? };
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? return {
? ? ? ? ? ? pass: true,
? ? ? ? ? ? message: () =>
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? `Received array is equal to expected array.`,
? ? ? ? };
? ? },
And finally you need to define it in a type definition file, So to say let's create a jest.d.ts file in the root of the project and copy paste this codes in it:
declare global {
? ? namespace jest {
? ? ? ? interface Matchers<R> {
? ? ? ? ? ? toBeArray(expectedArray: number[]): R;
? ? ? ? }
? ? }
export {};
Install it as dev dependency or install it globally. finally create its config file at the root of your project:
? ? "arrowParens": "always",
? ? "useTabs": false,
? ? "bracketSpacing": true,
? ? "endOfLine": "lf",
? ? "printWidth": 70,
? ? "quoteProps": "as-needed",
? ? "tabWidth": 4,
? ? "trailingComma": "all",
? ? "semi": true,
? ? "singleQuote": true,
? ? "overrides": [
? ? ? ? {
? ? ? ? ? ? "files": "*.yml",
? ? ? ? ? ? "options": {
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "singleQuote": false,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "tabWidth": 2
? ? ? ? ? ? }
? ? ? ? }
? ? ]
Add this line in the scripts:
tsconfig.json file
If you need to import your own package you can simply use the paths config:
/* ... */
"paths": {
"@project-name/auth": [ "./packages/auth" ]
Now you can Import it like this in your codebase:
import { Auth } from '@project-name/auth';
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