Confidence - your way!
Aideen Ni Riada (Wolpe)
Empowering Women to Speak Up & Lead | Voice Coach | Author | Speaker | Podcast Host
The feeling of confidence can be an elusive one... confidence means different things to different people. I can have confidence in my friends which means I trust them. If a document or medical information is confidential then only trusted people are allowed to see it.
When we say a person has confidence we think they exude some magical quality or other that allows them to stand up and be seen without fear. But I believe that magical quality is trust in themselves and THAT is something that can be developed.
Thinking of confidence as trust in yourself might seem a too easy or maybe too hard. It does make you think though... if confidence is simply trusting yourself then there may be a way to develop that trust.
Now don't mistake confidence for dutch courage or bravado - though you will appear confident unfortunately when the pardon the term - "shit hits the fan" then you fall apart!
I've been there in the bravado stage myself. I didn't realize it though :) and since I'm rebuilt my true self-confidence I've figured out one of the biggest steps to confidence.
Know you are not alone
Everyone is unique and has their own take on things.
Now, for a long time I believed that my nearest and dearest should understand me and support me doing all the unique things I do like singing jazz music and chanting when I meditate :) The problem was, they really didn't understand and though they supported me from time to time, it wasn't consistent.
So, I had to find a new clan of people who so understand. To find them I had to be brave. I had to own my heart's desires. Instead of saying "I do some singing" - I would say "I'm a jazz singer and I'm hoping to sing more for events".
When I do workshops I manage to get a group together with something in common - that could be a love of style or even singing (my other speciality). Maybe you could come to a workshop or sign up for a class in anything you would love - pottery or painting, horse-riding or creative writing. Go! Meet new people and find your clan for all the things you love to do.
There are people just like you who have a similar take on life or music or even spirituality. Once you find those people your confidence will soar!