The Confidence Score: Identifying the quality of data

The Confidence Score: Identifying the quality of data

In the insurance and banking industry, the accuracy and quality of data is crucial for making commercial or strategic decisions, because bad quality information can result in wasted resources and poorer customer service. But how can we be sure of the quality of the information we receive?

Confidence Score is the key

The Confidence Score is the parameter we use at Wenalyze to provide our clients with a scale of data quality. For an insurer or a bank, it is essential that the data they obtain about their customers is accurate, because it will determine the sales or communication strategies they design. Therefore, at Wenalyze we analyse the data and deliver it with maximum transparency and quality. However, it must be taken into account that there are some business data that, due to their lack of precision, cannot be enriched.

This is why we created the Confidence Score, thanks to this metric we can classify data into three levels according to its reliability, so that our customers know on which data they can base their decisions... continue here



